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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2006 m.

What Are You Looking At?

Strike a pose.
Strike a pose.
Vogue, vogue, vogue
Vogue, vogue, vogue

Look around everywhere you turn is heartache
It's everywhere that you go [look around]
You try everything you can to escape
The pain of life that you know [life that you know]

When all else fails and you long to be
Something better than you are today
I know a place where you can get away
It's called a dance floor, and here's what it's for, so


Come on, vogue
Let your body move to the music [move to the music]
Hey, hey, hey
Come on, vogue
Let your body go with the flow [go with the flow]
You know you can do it

All you need is your own imagination
So use it that's what it's for [that's what it's for]
Go inside, for your finest inspiration
Your dreams will open the door [open up the door]

It makes no difference if you're black or white
If you're a boy or a girl
If the music's pumping it will give you new life
You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are, you know it

(chorus, substituting "groove" for "move")

Beauty's where you find it
Not just where you bump and grind it
Soul is in the musical
That's where I feel so beautiful
Magical, life's a ball
So get up on the dance floor


Vogue, [Vogue]
Beauty's where you find it [move to the music]
Vogue, [Vogue]
Beauty's where you find it [go with the flow]

Greta Garbo, and Monroe
Dietrich and DiMaggio
Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean
On the cover of a magazine

Grace Kelly; Harlow, Jean
Picture of a beauty queen
Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire
Ginger Rogers, dance on air

They had style, they had grace
Rita Hayworth gave good face
Lauren, Katherine, Lana too
Bette Davis, we love you

Ladies with an attitude
Fella's that were in the mood
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it

Vogue, vogue, vogue, vogue

Oooh, you've got to
Let your body move to the music
Oooh, you've got to just
Let your body go with the flow
Oooh, you've got to just,
Vogue !

Topai ir rinkimai:
NME - 100 geriausių 10-ojo dešimtmečio kūrinių #12
Susiję įrašai:

Atnaujinti albumai nuripintų plokštelių skambesiu

 2012-07-12  R7wa


Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

What Are You Looking At?

Strike a pose.
Strike a pose.
Vogue, vogue, vogue
Vogue, vogue, vogue

Look around everywhere you turn is heartache
It's everywhere that you go [look around]
You try everything you can to escape
The pain of life that you know [life that you know]

When all else fails and you long to be
Something better than you are today
I know a place where you can get away
It's called a dance floor, and here's what it's for, so


Come on, vogue
Let your body move to the music [move to the music]
Hey, hey, hey
Come on, vogue
Let your body go with the flow [go with the flow]
You know you can do it

All you need is your own imagination
So use it that's what it's for [that's what it's for]
Go inside, for your finest inspiration
Your dreams will open the door [open up the door]

It makes no difference if you're black or white
If you're a boy or a girl
If the music's pumping it will give you new life
You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are, you know it

(chorus, substituting "groove" for "move")

Beauty's where you find it
Not just where you bump and grind it
Soul is in the musical
That's where I feel so beautiful
Magical, life's a ball
So get up on the dance floor


Vogue, [Vogue]
Beauty's where you find it [move to the music]
Vogue, [Vogue]
Beauty's where you find it [go with the flow]

Greta Garbo, and Monroe
Dietrich and DiMaggio
Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean
On the cover of a magazine

Grace Kelly; Harlow, Jean
Picture of a beauty queen
Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire
Ginger Rogers, dance on air

They had style, they had grace
Rita Hayworth gave good face
Lauren, Katherine, Lana too
Bette Davis, we love you

Ladies with an attitude
Fella's that were in the mood
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it

Vogue, vogue, vogue, vogue

Oooh, you've got to
Let your body move to the music
Oooh, you've got to just
Let your body go with the flow
Oooh, you've got to just,
Vogue !

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:


2011 m. balandžio 12 d. 02:37:20
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Kultinis darbas. Legendiniai laikai. Muzikos karaliene isitvirtino auksinem raidem savo soste

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

Copyright 2001-2025 Visos teisės saugomos. Kopijuoti be autorių sutikimo draudžiama.

Panaši muzika

Pokalbiai  Įvykiai 
15:31 - Silentist
I felt the cold, I knew the salt
Of freedom and of living
and started to ignore the pain,
the hunger and the insult.
15:20 - PLIKASS
Na, SILENTIST'as praktiškai kone kiekvienu atveju šičia TURI + PROPAGUOJA tą savo "burbuliuojančią" ganėtinai skirtingą nuomonę ... :-D

Atrodo yra smarkiai atsparus bet kokio formato aplinkai šis mūsų kolega ... ;-)
14:45 - Silentist
Aciu edzkaa uz spotify kiekvienos dainos vietoje. Alvydas1 uz lyrics videos + the nice. einaras13 uz kritika ir savikritika
19:46 - einaras13
Aš tiesiog būčiau The Nice įkėlęs tuo momentu, kai Silentist mažiausiai tikisi, nes dabar susidaro įspūdis, kad nuolatiniu burbuliavimu galima pasiekt naudingų dalykų. Taip, Silentist manyje net tokio lygio pagiežą išaugino pastaruoju metu.
19:46 - einaras13
Dėkui, Alvydai!
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Atsinaujino TOP 40!
15:00 - WeeT
Atsinaujino LT TOP 30!
07:28 - Alvydas1
The Nice jau egzistuoja. Klausykite ir vertinkite.
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Stipriai pirstu daryti peles spaudima. Copy+paste ir isikelia grupe po daug tiksliu stipriu rankos judesiu.
11:58 - Silentist
Svarbiausia tureti pele.


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