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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 1983 m.

What a wonderful day, everything is O.K
Not a problem in mind, leaving worries behind
Except for that little doubt you have
Concerning your dress tonight
So you take a bottle of French wine
And you say you don't live twice, you cast the dice

Masterpiece, you should have seen it
That rainbow in the moonglow
Masterpiece, you've got to live it
That new dawn tomorrow

Driving down through Beverly Hills
You feel the breeze of the past in your lungs

What an elegant place, you walk with elephant grace
All Sunset Boulevard has been waiting the star
They all gather to celebrate "Happy birthday my honey dear"
What a joy to see your old mates
In this Hollywood atmosphere, with us at last!

Masterpiece, you should have seen it
That rainbow in the moonglow
Masterpiece, you've got to live it
That new dawn tomorrow
Masterpiece you never act it
But life is a movie
Masterpiece you've got to try it
We're sure you'd be moving

You've had a tango too much, you say you'll keep in touch
Back home in your Rolls Royce you smile and think of the boys
All of a sudden your sight obscures
And your memories drift the air
And you finally feel secure
You're another star up there, a star up there

Masterpiece, you should have seen it
That rainbow in the moonglow
Masterpiece, you've got to live it
That new dawn tomorrow
Masterpiece you never act it
But life is a movie
Masterpiece you've got to try it
We're sure you'd be moving

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

What a wonderful day, everything is O.K
Not a problem in mind, leaving worries behind
Except for that little doubt you have
Concerning your dress tonight
So you take a bottle of French wine
And you say you don't live twice, you cast the dice

Masterpiece, you should have seen it
That rainbow in the moonglow
Masterpiece, you've got to live it
That new dawn tomorrow

Driving down through Beverly Hills
You feel the breeze of the past in your lungs

What an elegant place, you walk with elephant grace
All Sunset Boulevard has been waiting the star
They all gather to celebrate "Happy birthday my honey dear"
What a joy to see your old mates
In this Hollywood atmosphere, with us at last!

Masterpiece, you should have seen it
That rainbow in the moonglow
Masterpiece, you've got to live it
That new dawn tomorrow
Masterpiece you never act it
But life is a movie
Masterpiece you've got to try it
We're sure you'd be moving

You've had a tango too much, you say you'll keep in touch
Back home in your Rolls Royce you smile and think of the boys
All of a sudden your sight obscures
And your memories drift the air
And you finally feel secure
You're another star up there, a star up there

Masterpiece, you should have seen it
That rainbow in the moonglow
Masterpiece, you've got to live it
That new dawn tomorrow
Masterpiece you never act it
But life is a movie
Masterpiece you've got to try it
We're sure you'd be moving

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (2)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2024 m. lapkričio 5 d. 04:32:29
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

O dar idomesnis jo klipas yra jo dainos Lunatic. Ir su daina neprasauta

Gyvenimo kryzkeles. As nejudu paziuzu baleto kryptimi, nes ten juda VANAGAS. As nejudu sunkiu trasu greicio kryptimi nes ten irgi VANAGAS. As nekariauju partizaninio karo tapdamas didvyriu nes ten isgarsejes vienas -VANAGAS. tik maivausi ismetes poza ir rukau nes taip is manes iseina DUMAS.
2024 m. lapkričio 4 d. 18:51:04
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Aš Gazebo žinau nuo vaikystės, mano mama labai mėgsta jį (ir specifiškai jo didžiausią hitą I Like Chopin). Aš truputį su skepticizmu visą laiką žiūrėjau į pernelyg romantizmu perdvelkusią I Like Chopin natūrą, nors dabar tą dainą vertinu daug geriau, visgi stiprią melodiją pianinui ir gerą sintezo pritarimą turinti daina. Bet vėliau išgirdau Masterpiece, kuri man savotiškai reabilitavo Gazebo. Nors niekada nepasirūpinau daugiau panagrinėti jo debiutinį albumą ir kitus kūrinius, gal kada reikėtų tą padaryti.

Masterpiece dainoje mane žavi ryški samplaika tarp new wave'iško sintezo ir ritmo beigi vėlgi šiek tiek romantizmu dvelkiančio pianino. Skamba gana dichotomiškai, kontrastingai, bet dainos epicentre slypi gera, įsimintina melodija. Vienintelis šio kūrinio minusas tas, kad man pritrūksta kulminacijos, bet čia vėlgi, new wave'o inspiruotas sprendimas matomai. Todėl kol kas esu dainai parašęs stiprų 9-etą. 

„Nieko nepadarysi“ - Kurtas Vonegutas
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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