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Pet Shop Boys

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 1996 m.


(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know)

Please allow me to try and explain
I'm living proof that man can change
I knew what I wanted, I knew how to get it
It didn't make me happy to I started again
What I wanted to be was a family man
But nature had some alternative plans
So I did without the lot, put emotion on hold
And hoped my instincts would do what they were told

(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know)

But every now and then, and often at night
A particular feeling would surface, in spite
Of what I'd told myself and tried to deny
I kept on asking the question: why?

(Why, why, why, I wanna know)

(You grow up and experience this)
(A total metaporphosis)
It's all about change, it's a metamorphosis

With time and age I had to change
'Cause my behaviour was getting strange
People on the street caught my eye
And I begin to think I might be their kind of guy
The long-term suppression of an adolescent urge
Was in retreat, and I was on the virge
Of falling in love or having fun
Time was running out, something had to be done.

(I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
(I wanna know, yeah)
(Tell me what's the reason)

Where was I? Laying down the law
Dancing with the others out on the floor
Music and smoke, what did it mean?
Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I had what I wanted, madly in love
And nothing else mattered, this was enough
Questions were answered which used to perplex
In particular those about the big s.e.x.

(I-I, I wanna know, yeah (sex))
(I wanna know (sex))
(I wanna know, yeah)
(Tell me what's the reason (sex))
(Tell me what's the reason)

(You grow up and experience this)
(A total metaporphosis)
It's all about love, it's a metamorphosis

Dreaming is easy, life is tough, I got the picture
The most important thing is not to end up bitter
'Cause when you start to feel increasingly forlorner
- Woomph! - love comes right around the corner
It may not last, but here am I
Once a caterpillar, now a butterfly
It can seem strange, but when you reminisce
It's all about change, it's a metamorphosis

(I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
It's all about love, it's a metamorphosis

(You grow up and experience this)
(A total metaporphosis)
It's all about change, it's a metamorphosis

(I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
(I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
It's all about change, it's a metamorphosis
(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
It's all about love it's a metamorphosis


Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas


(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know)

Please allow me to try and explain
I'm living proof that man can change
I knew what I wanted, I knew how to get it
It didn't make me happy to I started again
What I wanted to be was a family man
But nature had some alternative plans
So I did without the lot, put emotion on hold
And hoped my instincts would do what they were told

(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know)

But every now and then, and often at night
A particular feeling would surface, in spite
Of what I'd told myself and tried to deny
I kept on asking the question: why?

(Why, why, why, I wanna know)

(You grow up and experience this)
(A total metaporphosis)
It's all about change, it's a metamorphosis

With time and age I had to change
'Cause my behaviour was getting strange
People on the street caught my eye
And I begin to think I might be their kind of guy
The long-term suppression of an adolescent urge
Was in retreat, and I was on the virge
Of falling in love or having fun
Time was running out, something had to be done.

(I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
(I wanna know, yeah)
(Tell me what's the reason)

Where was I? Laying down the law
Dancing with the others out on the floor
Music and smoke, what did it mean?
Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I had what I wanted, madly in love
And nothing else mattered, this was enough
Questions were answered which used to perplex
In particular those about the big s.e.x.

(I-I, I wanna know, yeah (sex))
(I wanna know (sex))
(I wanna know, yeah)
(Tell me what's the reason (sex))
(Tell me what's the reason)

(You grow up and experience this)
(A total metaporphosis)
It's all about love, it's a metamorphosis

Dreaming is easy, life is tough, I got the picture
The most important thing is not to end up bitter
'Cause when you start to feel increasingly forlorner
- Woomph! - love comes right around the corner
It may not last, but here am I
Once a caterpillar, now a butterfly
It can seem strange, but when you reminisce
It's all about change, it's a metamorphosis

(I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
It's all about love, it's a metamorphosis

(You grow up and experience this)
(A total metaporphosis)
It's all about change, it's a metamorphosis

(I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
(I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
It's all about change, it's a metamorphosis
(I-I-I-I-I-I, I wanna know, yeah)
(I wanna know)
It's all about love it's a metamorphosis


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