Diskusijų temos
Dainų tekstai
In any other world
You could tell the difference
And let it all unfurl
Into broken remanence
Smile like you mean it
And let yourself let go
'Cause it's all in the hands
Of a bitter bitter man
Say goodbye to the world
You thought you lived in
Take a bow
Play the part
Of a lonely lonely heart
Say goodbye to the world
You thought you lived in
To the world you thought you lived in
I try to live alone
But lonely is so lonely alone
So human as I am
I had to give up my defenses
So I smile and try to mean it
To make myself let go
'Cause it's all in the hands
Of a bitter bitter man
Say goodbye to the world
You thought you lived in
Take a bow
Play the part
Of a lonely lonely heart
Say goodbye to the world
You thought you lived in
To the world you thought you lived in
'Cause it's all in the hands
Of a bitter bitter man
Say goodbye to world
You thought you lived in
Take a bow
Play the part
Of a lonely lonely heart
Say goodbye to the world
You thought you lived in
Say goodbye to the world
You thought you lived in
Say goodbye to the world
You thought you lived in
Say goodbye to the world
You thought you lived in
Say goodbye to the world
You thought you lived in
To the world you thought you lived in
In any other world
You could tell the difference
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Komentarai (4)
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Copyright 2001-2025 Visos teisės saugomos. Kopijuoti be autorių sutikimo draudžiama.
2010 m. balandžio 9 d. 10:55:28
Kai nėra nuotaikos gali paklausyti, nes ji yra ramesnė, nors kai kurios dalys yra tokios garsios, tačiau ramios x DD
Iš vis, man patinka Mika, todėl jo dainos irgi.
Būū ;*
2010 m. vasario 9 d. 11:32:04
Labai maloniai nustebina itin melodingi ir ko gero, kad anaiptol nemelancholiški MIKA lėtesni gabalai .. Puikus to pavyzdys - 'Any Other World' ;-)
* ... Juk iš tikrųjų Mintys & Svajonės pernelyg dažnai savivaliauja : Jos kada panorėjusios ateina, kada panorėjusios - išeina .. Toks jausmas, tarsi Jos būtų savarankiški, Nuo Niekieno Norų Nepriklausomi & Gyvi Padarai .. Yep's ... * ;-]
2010 m. vasario 4 d. 11:20:43
I`ll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with love, love. ♥
2009 m. liepos 14 d. 11:05:10