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Mind Your Manners

Pearl Jam

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2013 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I've got an unfortunate feelin'
I've been beaten down
I feel that I'm done believing
Now that the truth is coming out
What they're taking is more than a vow
They're taking your innocents
And then they throw them on a burning pile

And all they say is
"Mind your manners"

I caught myself believin'
That I needed God
And if it's out there somewhere
We sure could use hymn now

Try my patience
My patience tried
This world's a long love letter
That makes me wanna cry

And all they say is
"Mind your manners"
It's all they're saying

Self-realizing that I'm physically redeemed
May not live another life
May not solve our mystery
Right around the corner
could be bigger than ourselves
We could will it to the sky
Or we could something else

You know that all they say is
"Mind your manners"
Always praying

Self-realizing that I'm physically redeemed
May not live another life
May not solve our mystery
Right around the corner
could be bigger than ourselves
We could will it to the sky
Or we could something else

Go to Heaven
That's swell
How do you like your
Living Hell

Go to Heaven
That's swell
How do you like your
Living Hell

Go to Heaven
That's swell
How do you like your
Living Hell

Living Hell

Topai ir rinkimai:
2013 Muzikos pulsas - Muzikos pulsas | 2013 m. rugpjūčio 2 d. TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 1, aukščiausia vieta: 40
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I've got an unfortunate feelin'
I've been beaten down
I feel that I'm done believing
Now that the truth is coming out
What they're taking is more than a vow
They're taking your innocents
And then they throw them on a burning pile

And all they say is
"Mind your manners"

I caught myself believin'
That I needed God
And if it's out there somewhere
We sure could use hymn now

Try my patience
My patience tried
This world's a long love letter
That makes me wanna cry

And all they say is
"Mind your manners"
It's all they're saying

Self-realizing that I'm physically redeemed
May not live another life
May not solve our mystery
Right around the corner
could be bigger than ourselves
We could will it to the sky
Or we could something else

You know that all they say is
"Mind your manners"
Always praying

Self-realizing that I'm physically redeemed
May not live another life
May not solve our mystery
Right around the corner
could be bigger than ourselves
We could will it to the sky
Or we could something else

Go to Heaven
That's swell
How do you like your
Living Hell

Go to Heaven
That's swell
How do you like your
Living Hell

Go to Heaven
That's swell
How do you like your
Living Hell

Living Hell

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