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Modern Misery


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2018 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Seven billion hungry ghosts
Just a parasite killing its host
The emperor wears no clothes, I see those brittle bones
But we're buried by modern misery
Modern misery

There's not enough water in the world
To wash the blood from our hands
We planted a seed, its roots will suffocate the soul
It grows without light and feeds from our bones
Hell must be empty, all the devils are here
Singing us the Lord's Prayer; finally, something that we all share

I won't go to the grave with the song still in me

What are we hiding in the rain?
This is a prison for lost souls
Another life circles the drain
We used to run with the wolves
Now we can't see the forest
'Cause there's no light in the black hole
Don't try and tell me we are blessed
We used to run with the wolves

Are these our new messiahs?
'Cause the saviour has a gun to my head
Don't be fooled by Maya, the kings are all thieves
And the serpents will bite as they please
How has it come to this?

I won't go to the grave with the song still in me
And I won't live like a slave begging from my knees

What are we hiding in the rain?
This is a prison for lost souls
Another life circles the drain
We used to run with the wolves
Now we can't see the forest
'Cause there's no light in the black hole
Don't try and tell me we are blessed
We used to run with the wolves

Seven billion hungry ghosts
Just a parasite killing its host
The emperor wears no clothes, I see those brittle bones
But we're buried by modern misery
Modern misery
I won't live like a slave, I won't beg from my knees
I will not go to the grave with the song still in me

We used to run with the wolves
We used to run with the wolves
We used to run with the wolves
We used to run with the wolves

Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 12, aukščiausia vieta: 4
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Seven billion hungry ghosts
Just a parasite killing its host
The emperor wears no clothes, I see those brittle bones
But we're buried by modern misery
Modern misery

There's not enough water in the world
To wash the blood from our hands
We planted a seed, its roots will suffocate the soul
It grows without light and feeds from our bones
Hell must be empty, all the devils are here
Singing us the Lord's Prayer; finally, something that we all share

I won't go to the grave with the song still in me

What are we hiding in the rain?
This is a prison for lost souls
Another life circles the drain
We used to run with the wolves
Now we can't see the forest
'Cause there's no light in the black hole
Don't try and tell me we are blessed
We used to run with the wolves

Are these our new messiahs?
'Cause the saviour has a gun to my head
Don't be fooled by Maya, the kings are all thieves
And the serpents will bite as they please
How has it come to this?

I won't go to the grave with the song still in me
And I won't live like a slave begging from my knees

What are we hiding in the rain?
This is a prison for lost souls
Another life circles the drain
We used to run with the wolves
Now we can't see the forest
'Cause there's no light in the black hole
Don't try and tell me we are blessed
We used to run with the wolves

Seven billion hungry ghosts
Just a parasite killing its host
The emperor wears no clothes, I see those brittle bones
But we're buried by modern misery
Modern misery
I won't live like a slave, I won't beg from my knees
I will not go to the grave with the song still in me

We used to run with the wolves
We used to run with the wolves
We used to run with the wolves
We used to run with the wolves

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