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Move Me


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1994 m.

Time goes between us, and there's no release
Silent ref'rence to defenses raised higher
Than we'll ever need
The more we try, flame inside gets colder to the touch
Taking for granted, gets taken for granted too much

So come on and move me
Let me feel you move me
Prove me wrong, show me I still belong
Come on and move me
Let me feel you move me like you used to

She never asked anything of me
That I could ever be
Now we're lyin' in the shade
Sharpenin' the blades of our rivalry
Untidy lies, they could never disguise
The truth behind the door
Feelin's grow nearer, then disappear again some more

So come on and move me
Let me feel you move me
Prove me wrong,s how me I still belong
Come on and move me
Let me feel you move me like you used to

There can be no contention, come on and move me
Let me feel you move me
Prove me wrong, show me I still belong
Come on and move me
Let me feel you move me like you used to
Move me, come on.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Time goes between us, and there's no release
Silent ref'rence to defenses raised higher
Than we'll ever need
The more we try, flame inside gets colder to the touch
Taking for granted, gets taken for granted too much

So come on and move me
Let me feel you move me
Prove me wrong, show me I still belong
Come on and move me
Let me feel you move me like you used to

She never asked anything of me
That I could ever be
Now we're lyin' in the shade
Sharpenin' the blades of our rivalry
Untidy lies, they could never disguise
The truth behind the door
Feelin's grow nearer, then disappear again some more

So come on and move me
Let me feel you move me
Prove me wrong,s how me I still belong
Come on and move me
Let me feel you move me like you used to

There can be no contention, come on and move me
Let me feel you move me
Prove me wrong, show me I still belong
Come on and move me
Let me feel you move me like you used to
Move me, come on.

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