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Never Yield


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika

No matter what, 'cause my heart feels ...
This time this line will be fulfilled
If there was no the spot
For sure here’s the right one!

Once more I'm beggin' for a chance
Once here, they’ll never be the same
Therefore we can't forget
Just how this world changes us!

And then there's no turning back
No one will bend our fate!
No matter how, 'cause now I know...
Sometimes we could be our own foes
If now is not the time
So when can I have this?

And then I'll feel alive
And realize the time is

No one can't live my life
What matters is what I do
It defines who I am!

Oh, now I have to feel alive
Whatever my fears may say
If I yield it won't be me!

Fight hard for your rights
Just do not give in!
Fight hard for your life
Go! You might get there...
Fight, fight then more fight
Just, just never never yield!

Through the mind...
Growing wisdon and peacefullness
To realize how small we are
In front of this huge power
Neither pride, nor ego can preavail

No one can't live my life
What matters is what I do
It defines how I am!

Oh, now I have to feel alive
Whatever my fears may say
If I yield it won’t be me!

No one can live my life
Throw what you want
Whatever you say...
If I yield it won’t be me!

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

No matter what, 'cause my heart feels ...
This time this line will be fulfilled
If there was no the spot
For sure here’s the right one!

Once more I'm beggin' for a chance
Once here, they’ll never be the same
Therefore we can't forget
Just how this world changes us!

And then there's no turning back
No one will bend our fate!
No matter how, 'cause now I know...
Sometimes we could be our own foes
If now is not the time
So when can I have this?

And then I'll feel alive
And realize the time is

No one can't live my life
What matters is what I do
It defines who I am!

Oh, now I have to feel alive
Whatever my fears may say
If I yield it won't be me!

Fight hard for your rights
Just do not give in!
Fight hard for your life
Go! You might get there...
Fight, fight then more fight
Just, just never never yield!

Through the mind...
Growing wisdon and peacefullness
To realize how small we are
In front of this huge power
Neither pride, nor ego can preavail

No one can't live my life
What matters is what I do
It defines how I am!

Oh, now I have to feel alive
Whatever my fears may say
If I yield it won’t be me!

No one can live my life
Throw what you want
Whatever you say...
If I yield it won’t be me!

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



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