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Leader Of Men


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1999 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Tell your friends not to think out loud until they swallow.
Whisper things into my brain, your voice sounds so hollow.
I am not a leader of men since I prefer to follow.
Do you think I could ever drink since it's so hard to swallow.
Yeah, so hard to swallow.

Turn your television off and I will sing a song.
And if you suddenly have the urge, you can sing along.
I touch your hand, touch your face; I think the fruit is rotten.
Give me lessons on how to breathe 'cause I think I've forgotten.
Yeah, think I've forgotten.

Ooh, one day out to a cliff that overlooks the water.
I jumped in to save a girl; it was somebody's daughter.
And now the ring that's on my hand was given to me by her.
And to this day, we all sit around and dream of ways to get higher.
Yeah, to get much higher.

Ooh, tell your friends not to think out loud until they swallow.
Whisper things into my brain, your voice sounds so hollow. Yeah.
I am not a leader of men since I prefer to follow.
Do you think I could ever drink since it's so hard to swallow.
Yeah, so hard to swallow.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Tell your friends not to think out loud until they swallow.
Whisper things into my brain, your voice sounds so hollow.
I am not a leader of men since I prefer to follow.
Do you think I could ever drink since it's so hard to swallow.
Yeah, so hard to swallow.

Turn your television off and I will sing a song.
And if you suddenly have the urge, you can sing along.
I touch your hand, touch your face; I think the fruit is rotten.
Give me lessons on how to breathe 'cause I think I've forgotten.
Yeah, think I've forgotten.

Ooh, one day out to a cliff that overlooks the water.
I jumped in to save a girl; it was somebody's daughter.
And now the ring that's on my hand was given to me by her.
And to this day, we all sit around and dream of ways to get higher.
Yeah, to get much higher.

Ooh, tell your friends not to think out loud until they swallow.
Whisper things into my brain, your voice sounds so hollow. Yeah.
I am not a leader of men since I prefer to follow.
Do you think I could ever drink since it's so hard to swallow.
Yeah, so hard to swallow.

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