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Night in my veins

The Pretenders

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1994 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I see him standing silhouetted
In the lamp-light
I cross the street
And I quicken my pace
He cups his hands and he
Lights a cigarette
I find myself in the bones of his face

It's just the night in my veins
Making me crawl in the dust again
It's just the night
Under my skin
Slipping it in

He's got his hands in my hair
And his lips everywhere
Oh yeah
It feels good
It's alright
Even if it's just
The night in my veins

He's got me up against the back of a
Pick-up truck
Out of sight of the neon and glare
We might as well be on a beach
Under the moonlight
Love's language reads the same
Anywhere yeah

It's just the night in my veins
Making me crawl in the dust again
It's just the night
Under my skin
Slipping it in

He's got his chest on my back
Across a new cadillac
Oh yeah
It feels good
It's alright
Even if it's just
The night in my veins
Even if it's just the night in my veins

I've got my head on the
Kerb and I can't produce
A word
Oh year
It feels good
It's alright
Even if it's just
The night in my veins

It feels good
It's alright
Even if it's just
The night in my veins

Even if it's just
The night in my veins
It feels good
It's alright

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I see him standing silhouetted
In the lamp-light
I cross the street
And I quicken my pace
He cups his hands and he
Lights a cigarette
I find myself in the bones of his face

It's just the night in my veins
Making me crawl in the dust again
It's just the night
Under my skin
Slipping it in

He's got his hands in my hair
And his lips everywhere
Oh yeah
It feels good
It's alright
Even if it's just
The night in my veins

He's got me up against the back of a
Pick-up truck
Out of sight of the neon and glare
We might as well be on a beach
Under the moonlight
Love's language reads the same
Anywhere yeah

It's just the night in my veins
Making me crawl in the dust again
It's just the night
Under my skin
Slipping it in

He's got his chest on my back
Across a new cadillac
Oh yeah
It feels good
It's alright
Even if it's just
The night in my veins
Even if it's just the night in my veins

I've got my head on the
Kerb and I can't produce
A word
Oh year
It feels good
It's alright
Even if it's just
The night in my veins

It feels good
It's alright
Even if it's just
The night in my veins

Even if it's just
The night in my veins
It feels good
It's alright

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