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No Safe Harbor


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2013 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

For you I would cross the glass oceans of green
Full of sights best unseen, and the worst kinds of dreams
For you I would pass through deserts of fire
Full of burning and ire, waterless and futile
For you I would brave the disgust of the mob
Walk completely alone, disavow all of them
For you I would give up mountains of gold
And possessions untold, health of body and of soul

But don't ask me to do what the strongest of men
Seeks to kill deep within, trembling sick to his bones
Don't ask me to do what the strongest of warriors
Backs up from the drawbridge and puts down her sword for
Don't ask me to feel the moon on the door
Or the fire on the shore as you bring my ship in

Because the truth is, there is no safe harbor
Because the truth is, there is no safe harbor anymore

The first time I saw you, I felt the knives set in
The first time I saw you, I felt my life cave in

A perfect mirror tells no lies
That's why I shattered you
The truest mirror in my life

A broken mirror cannot tell the truth
That's why I shattered you
I'll pick up shards for all my life

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

For you I would cross the glass oceans of green
Full of sights best unseen, and the worst kinds of dreams
For you I would pass through deserts of fire
Full of burning and ire, waterless and futile
For you I would brave the disgust of the mob
Walk completely alone, disavow all of them
For you I would give up mountains of gold
And possessions untold, health of body and of soul

But don't ask me to do what the strongest of men
Seeks to kill deep within, trembling sick to his bones
Don't ask me to do what the strongest of warriors
Backs up from the drawbridge and puts down her sword for
Don't ask me to feel the moon on the door
Or the fire on the shore as you bring my ship in

Because the truth is, there is no safe harbor
Because the truth is, there is no safe harbor anymore

The first time I saw you, I felt the knives set in
The first time I saw you, I felt my life cave in

A perfect mirror tells no lies
That's why I shattered you
The truest mirror in my life

A broken mirror cannot tell the truth
That's why I shattered you
I'll pick up shards for all my life

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