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Nothing to Declare


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

[Verse 1]
Nothing to declare
Not in the bags under my eyes
I can see you standing there
But still, there's nothing to reply
The world's my Fine de Claire
My Spanish castle in the sky
I can see it floating there
But still, there's nothing to define

If I'm worlds away
I'm holding mountains in my hands
Starlight ain't never gonna let me down
Until I stumble like a drunkard back to town
Then I end up where you are
Keeping the sanctuary warm
Don't ask me who I am
Don't ask me where I was

[Verse 2]
Nothing to declare
Not in the valise of my mind
All the documents are there
But still, there's something to decide
The world's my Fine de Claire
The waters beckon me to dive
I can tell the pearl's in there
And still, there's nothing I can find

If you let me go
I'll fall as far as I can fall
Starlight ain't never gonna bring me home
Until I wake up like a baby in the womb
Then I'll wonder who you are
Keeping the conversation light
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know

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Esamas tekstas

[Verse 1]
Nothing to declare
Not in the bags under my eyes
I can see you standing there
But still, there's nothing to reply
The world's my Fine de Claire
My Spanish castle in the sky
I can see it floating there
But still, there's nothing to define

If I'm worlds away
I'm holding mountains in my hands
Starlight ain't never gonna let me down
Until I stumble like a drunkard back to town
Then I end up where you are
Keeping the sanctuary warm
Don't ask me who I am
Don't ask me where I was

[Verse 2]
Nothing to declare
Not in the valise of my mind
All the documents are there
But still, there's something to decide
The world's my Fine de Claire
The waters beckon me to dive
I can tell the pearl's in there
And still, there's nothing I can find

If you let me go
I'll fall as far as I can fall
Starlight ain't never gonna bring me home
Until I wake up like a baby in the womb
Then I'll wonder who you are
Keeping the conversation light
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know

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