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Pandora's Box


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 1991 m.

Born in Kansas on an ordinary plain
Ran to New York but ran away from fame
Only seventeen when all your dreams came true
But all you wanted was someone to undress you
And all the stars you kissed could never ease the pain
Still the grace remains, the face has changed
And you're still the same
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
Frame of silence of an innocence divine
Is a dangerous creation when you fail the test of time
And all the photographs of ghosts of long ago
Still they hurt you so, won't let you go
And you still don't know
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
When you look around yourself now
Do you recognize the girl?
The one who broke a thousand hearts
Terrified the world
And all the stars you kissed could never ease the pain
Lift the face has changed, the grace remains
And you're still the same
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
And it's a long, long way

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Born in Kansas on an ordinary plain
Ran to New York but ran away from fame
Only seventeen when all your dreams came true
But all you wanted was someone to undress you
And all the stars you kissed could never ease the pain
Still the grace remains, the face has changed
And you're still the same
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
Frame of silence of an innocence divine
Is a dangerous creation when you fail the test of time
And all the photographs of ghosts of long ago
Still they hurt you so, won't let you go
And you still don't know
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
When you look around yourself now
Do you recognize the girl?
The one who broke a thousand hearts
Terrified the world
And all the stars you kissed could never ease the pain
Lift the face has changed, the grace remains
And you're still the same
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
And it's a long, long way from where you want to be
Well, it's a long, long road and you're too blind to see
And it's a long, long way

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2008 m. liepos 23 d. 22:04:46
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
viena mano mylimiausių dainų )

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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