We are alive
We woke again to see the sun rise
When we were falling, falling from grace, did you catch us?
You never did, you never did
When we were falling, falling from grace, did you catch us?
You never did, you never did
We never asked you for your loyalty
But now the tides are changing
It's all you offer me
To break the chains that have been holding us
We've been held down too long to be free
You're perched so high that you can't hear us
I see your lies for what they truly are
We've remembered how this should be done
We've foreseen how life can move on
With the feeling that we can push through, it all
As our shackles fall away, remembering the glory days
We will never stray away, to forget the everlasting pain
This is our moment
To break the hold we've always
We've remembered how this should be done
We've foreseen how life can move on
With the feeling that we can push through, it all
As our shackles fall away, remembering the glory days
We will never stray away, to forget the everlasting pain
You're perched so high that you can't hear us
I see your lies for what they truly are
You said you were behind us but failed to see
At the end there's no time for defeat
Don't hold me back I feel full of belief
I am alive, we will not die
We will not die
When we were falling, falling from grace, did you catch us?
You never did, you never did
When we were falling, falling from grace, did you catch us?
You never did, you never did
svetur. Aš dabar tokias draugystes dėl draugystės vertinu kaip tiesiog vaikišką užgaidą. Taip, ciniškai – o kas jums / man / jiems iš to? Just because? Ar rašai tik kad rašytum?
Bliamba, Silentist, nu gal gana tų vaikiškų kliedesių? Suaugęs vyras, o... Kokia prasmė iš ŠIAIP draugystės? Vaikams tai gal ir svarbu, o suaugusiems žmonėms su savo gyvenimais.. Tikrai ne. Kiek žinau, tavo minima kinomanė labai sėkmingai kuria gyvenimą
Nu tai jei nenori aiškiai įvardyti savo problemos, tai neūžk čia su savo niekad nesibaigiančiais piktais komentarais. Nes dabar būtent tu lieki tuo žmogumi, kuris daro portale negatyvo kupiną mikroklimatą.
Ir tai butu kinomane. Kristina, jei gerai prisimenu. Ne poroj, bet tiesiog bendrauti. Ji man ausis isuzt galetu apie visokeriopa kina, o as apie muzika. Man tada nereiketu tiek virtualios versijos, kur atiduodu veik visa save. Galeciau feisbuku skambytis
Ne, as geriau pasakysiu viena teigiama dalyka. Is sio puslapio kiek tik zmoniu pazinau, tai kiek mytuose esu isiziurejes ir kieno biolaukai atitinka manuosius tai noreciau realityj draugauti su vienu special zmogumi.
Silentist, AR TU GALI KONKREČIAI PAAIŠKINTI, kodėl reiktų music'e jungtis su vardais ir pavardėmis... visą dieną varai kažkokią minčių masę, neva kažkoks anonimas tave persekioja, bet nieko nesuprantu, nei kas, nei kaip, nei kodėl...