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One Night in Vegas

Deep Purple

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2017 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Ooh what a night it was, the night I fell apart
I begged a lover not to go away but she went and broke my heart
I found myself in a Vegas bar with a whole new set of friends
Seen through the bottom of an empty glass
Like looking through a fisheye lens
One night in Vegas

It was a morning of revenge for what I did the night before
Which accompanied me to the following day to even up the score
In a stone cold sober mood next afternoon at ten
I found my tongue back in my mouth
And I told myself not to drink again
One night in Vegas

I was three sheets to the wind
The three shots did me in
Three angels there above me
As I was lying on the floor
I knew I should have run for the hills
But I still wanted more

I don't remember the chapel but I woke up with a wife
I looked at her, she looked at me and now we're hooked for life
How strange the situation, it's now been thirty years
Since I met that girl in Vegas
And would you believe it, she's still here
One night in Vegas
Oh yeah I gotta tell you, one night in Vegas

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Esamas tekstas

Ooh what a night it was, the night I fell apart
I begged a lover not to go away but she went and broke my heart
I found myself in a Vegas bar with a whole new set of friends
Seen through the bottom of an empty glass
Like looking through a fisheye lens
One night in Vegas

It was a morning of revenge for what I did the night before
Which accompanied me to the following day to even up the score
In a stone cold sober mood next afternoon at ten
I found my tongue back in my mouth
And I told myself not to drink again
One night in Vegas

I was three sheets to the wind
The three shots did me in
Three angels there above me
As I was lying on the floor
I knew I should have run for the hills
But I still wanted more

I don't remember the chapel but I woke up with a wife
I looked at her, she looked at me and now we're hooked for life
How strange the situation, it's now been thirty years
Since I met that girl in Vegas
And would you believe it, she's still here
One night in Vegas
Oh yeah I gotta tell you, one night in Vegas

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