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Orias & The Underwater City

The Chronicles of Father Robin

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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2023 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Sinking through the fluid veils
in brightly coloured light
Carried to a land of whales
by the wanderers of life

Ancient plants with emerald glow
dancing in the abyss
Giant sea trees here do grow
amidst colonies of fish

Sea bed pastures, stretching far beyond
Turqouise mountains, titans of the void

structures soaring high
Blue green towers against the aquatic sky
A city under water on abyssal plains of wonder
Submerged wihin the blue

Entwined around the snakelike roots
of the Mother Tree
The organic city here permutes
Metropolis of the Sea

Here the elder spirits dwell
Survivors of the Storm
United by pelagic spells
the language of the first born

Body of Water, embracing nothingness
Remembering the birthplace, the sound of emptiness

a fellowship of hearts
One mind together, blooming from the start
Sharing ancient knowledge, silver pearls of wonder
In the Council of What To Do?

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Sinking through the fluid veils
in brightly coloured light
Carried to a land of whales
by the wanderers of life

Ancient plants with emerald glow
dancing in the abyss
Giant sea trees here do grow
amidst colonies of fish

Sea bed pastures, stretching far beyond
Turqouise mountains, titans of the void

structures soaring high
Blue green towers against the aquatic sky
A city under water on abyssal plains of wonder
Submerged wihin the blue

Entwined around the snakelike roots
of the Mother Tree
The organic city here permutes
Metropolis of the Sea

Here the elder spirits dwell
Survivors of the Storm
United by pelagic spells
the language of the first born

Body of Water, embracing nothingness
Remembering the birthplace, the sound of emptiness

a fellowship of hearts
One mind together, blooming from the start
Sharing ancient knowledge, silver pearls of wonder
In the Council of What To Do?

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