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Norah Jones

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Rimtoji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai


Take me back to paradise
I could make the sacrifice
I'm trying to save you
What else is there left to learn?
Watching all these fires burn
I'm waiting, it's true

I watch you fall
I try to stop
Waiting for the pain to drop
I know I've got to let you go again
Although I never wanted this to end
I know it's time to let you go

Find a place to calm your mind
I'll take yours, and you take mine
I'm begging you, please
Conversations pleading
Hearts are always beating
I'm down on my knees

I watch you fall
I try to stop
Waiting for the pain to drop
I know I've got to let you go again
Although I never wanted this to end
I know it's time to let you go


I watch you fall
I try to stop
Waiting for the pain to drop
I know I've got to let you go again
Although I never wanted this to end
I know it's time to let you go

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas


Take me back to paradise
I could make the sacrifice
I'm trying to save you
What else is there left to learn?
Watching all these fires burn
I'm waiting, it's true

I watch you fall
I try to stop
Waiting for the pain to drop
I know I've got to let you go again
Although I never wanted this to end
I know it's time to let you go

Find a place to calm your mind
I'll take yours, and you take mine
I'm begging you, please
Conversations pleading
Hearts are always beating
I'm down on my knees

I watch you fall
I try to stop
Waiting for the pain to drop
I know I've got to let you go again
Although I never wanted this to end
I know it's time to let you go


I watch you fall
I try to stop
Waiting for the pain to drop
I know I've got to let you go again
Although I never wanted this to end
I know it's time to let you go

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