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People in the Streets


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

[Verse 1]
Life keeps on going
Showing you things that you can't unsee
In the sense of unknowing why
Anything happens to be
And just as the sun comes out again
Something is blocking the light
But it's alright

[Verse 2]
The inside's still glowing
Telling the heart what it wants to hear
But what if it's only lies
Twisted apart by fear?

Well, that's when the brain waves goodbye
From the front of the train where the coal is burned
And you know the refrain without hearing a sound
So you sing it again 'cause you won't learn

From the people in the streets

[Verse 3]
Wheels left the ground
Hoping to fly past the road ahеad
Components start breaking down
And sooner or latеr, you're dead
And just when the wool goes over the eyes
Somebody moves you along
But it's all wrong

And someone complained that the fire was out
So they shut off the rain and let the flames return
Now they had to rename all the tricks in the book
And I'm starting to doubt where I once stood

And there's people in the streets
There's people in the streets
People in the streets
There's people in the streets

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 4]
End of the line
In real time
I stopped clinging to what's mine

They're marching to the beat of a different drum
Going over receipts with a magnifier
The people in the streets aren't singing along
'Cause they're probably sick and they're probably tired
I listen for the sound of the starting gun
But when you're living the dream and your ears are bad
The people in the streets aren't part of the fun
And I'd go and join them, but I'm so scared

Of the people in the streets
The people in the streets
People in the streets
The people in the streets

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

[Verse 1]
Life keeps on going
Showing you things that you can't unsee
In the sense of unknowing why
Anything happens to be
And just as the sun comes out again
Something is blocking the light
But it's alright

[Verse 2]
The inside's still glowing
Telling the heart what it wants to hear
But what if it's only lies
Twisted apart by fear?

Well, that's when the brain waves goodbye
From the front of the train where the coal is burned
And you know the refrain without hearing a sound
So you sing it again 'cause you won't learn

From the people in the streets

[Verse 3]
Wheels left the ground
Hoping to fly past the road ahеad
Components start breaking down
And sooner or latеr, you're dead
And just when the wool goes over the eyes
Somebody moves you along
But it's all wrong

And someone complained that the fire was out
So they shut off the rain and let the flames return
Now they had to rename all the tricks in the book
And I'm starting to doubt where I once stood

And there's people in the streets
There's people in the streets
People in the streets
There's people in the streets

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 4]
End of the line
In real time
I stopped clinging to what's mine

They're marching to the beat of a different drum
Going over receipts with a magnifier
The people in the streets aren't singing along
'Cause they're probably sick and they're probably tired
I listen for the sound of the starting gun
But when you're living the dream and your ears are bad
The people in the streets aren't part of the fun
And I'd go and join them, but I'm so scared

Of the people in the streets
The people in the streets
People in the streets
The people in the streets

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