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Take It Back

Pink Floyd

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1994 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Her love rains down on me easy as the breeze
I listen to the breathing it sounds like the waves on the sea
I was thinking all about her, burning with rage and desire
We were spinning into darkness; & the earth was on fire

She could take it back, she might take it back some day

So I spy on her, I lie to her, I make promises I cannot keep
Then I hear her laughter rising, rising from the deep
And I make her prove her love for me, I take all that I can take
I push her to the limit to see if she will break

She might take it back, she could take it back some day

Now I had seen the warnings, screaming from all sides
It's easy to ignore them God knows I've tried
All of this temptation, you know it turned my faith to lies
Til I couldn't see the danger or hear the rising tide

She Can take it back, she will take it back some day

She Can take it back, she will take it back some day

She will take it back, She will take it back some day

 2011-06-19  Silentist - Pink Floyd - Atsiims atgal (Take It Back)

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Esamas tekstas

Her love rains down on me easy as the breeze
I listen to the breathing it sounds like the waves on the sea
I was thinking all about her, burning with rage and desire
We were spinning into darkness; & the earth was on fire

She could take it back, she might take it back some day

So I spy on her, I lie to her, I make promises I cannot keep
Then I hear her laughter rising, rising from the deep
And I make her prove her love for me, I take all that I can take
I push her to the limit to see if she will break

She might take it back, she could take it back some day

Now I had seen the warnings, screaming from all sides
It's easy to ignore them God knows I've tried
All of this temptation, you know it turned my faith to lies
Til I couldn't see the danger or hear the rising tide

She Can take it back, she will take it back some day

She Can take it back, she will take it back some day

She will take it back, She will take it back some day

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