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Speak In Tongues


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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2009 m.

Kitty came back home from on the island
But kitty came on home without a name
She and me's history of violence
But I long and burn to touch her just the same

So we both can speak in tongues, ahh-ah-ah-oh
So we both can speak in tongues, ahh-ah-ah-oh

Every single sense in me is heightened
There's nothing left inside to rearrange
And like a slave to history and science
I long, I burn to touch you just the same

So we both can speak in tongues, ahh-ah-ah-oh
So we both can speak in tongues, ahh-ah-ah-oh

Until the universe is done, ahh-ah-ah-oh
And the course of time has run, ahh-ah-ah-oh
So we both can speak in tongues

Hah-ahh, Hah-ahh, Hah-ahh, Hah-ah,
Hah-ahh, Hah-ahh, Hah-ahh, Wuh-ohh..

Don't let them have their way,
Don't let them have their way,
You're beautiful and so blasé,
So please don't let them have their way
Don't fall back into the decay,
There is no law we must obey,
So please don't let them have their way,
Don't give in to yesterday

We can build a new tomorrow, today
We can build a new tomorrow, today
We can build a new tomorrow, today
We can build a new tomorrow, today

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Kitty came back home from on the island
But kitty came on home without a name
She and me's history of violence
But I long and burn to touch her just the same

So we both can speak in tongues, ahh-ah-ah-oh
So we both can speak in tongues, ahh-ah-ah-oh

Every single sense in me is heightened
There's nothing left inside to rearrange
And like a slave to history and science
I long, I burn to touch you just the same

So we both can speak in tongues, ahh-ah-ah-oh
So we both can speak in tongues, ahh-ah-ah-oh

Until the universe is done, ahh-ah-ah-oh
And the course of time has run, ahh-ah-ah-oh
So we both can speak in tongues

Hah-ahh, Hah-ahh, Hah-ahh, Hah-ah,
Hah-ahh, Hah-ahh, Hah-ahh, Wuh-ohh..

Don't let them have their way,
Don't let them have their way,
You're beautiful and so blasé,
So please don't let them have their way
Don't fall back into the decay,
There is no law we must obey,
So please don't let them have their way,
Don't give in to yesterday

We can build a new tomorrow, today
We can build a new tomorrow, today
We can build a new tomorrow, today
We can build a new tomorrow, today

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