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Preserve Thy Loneliness

Death in June

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2006 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

There is a way that seemeth right unto man
But the end thereof is death
There is another way

Preserve thy loneliness from all men;
remain undisturbed by all except the impression,
free thyself from anything that could be foreign to thy being,
and direct thy conscience towards the solitary view
by which thou bearest a beast in thine soul
as an object from which thine eyes never wander.

Complete isolation of soul brooks no imitation of creatures,
no self-humiliation, nor self-elevation,
and strives to be neither below or above,
wanting only to rest in itself,
reaching neither towards love nor towards suffering.

It does not consider it's equality, or inequality, with other beings.
It wants neither to be the one, nor the other.
It wants only to be at one with itself.

Preserve thy loneliness from all men.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

There is a way that seemeth right unto man
But the end thereof is death
There is another way

Preserve thy loneliness from all men;
remain undisturbed by all except the impression,
free thyself from anything that could be foreign to thy being,
and direct thy conscience towards the solitary view
by which thou bearest a beast in thine soul
as an object from which thine eyes never wander.

Complete isolation of soul brooks no imitation of creatures,
no self-humiliation, nor self-elevation,
and strives to be neither below or above,
wanting only to rest in itself,
reaching neither towards love nor towards suffering.

It does not consider it's equality, or inequality, with other beings.
It wants neither to be the one, nor the other.
It wants only to be at one with itself.

Preserve thy loneliness from all men.

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