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River Bank

Brad Paisley

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2014 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Well, I won 2 dollars on a scratch-off ticket
So I went back to the counter and I bought 2 more with it
And I won 10 bucks and that was just right
So, I bought a six pack and a bag of ice

You know even if our ship came in and this is all we got
It ain’t like we really need a million dollar yacht, 'cause

We got an inner tube
We got a trailer hitch
We’re near the river and far from rich
But we have got each other and gas in the tank
We’re laughing all the way to the river bank

Still, can you imagine if we ever struck it
I’d go shoot tequila, take a lime and suck it
And we’d tell our bosses they can do the same
We’ll find a big cruise ship and buy the whole dang thing

We’d sail around the world and go to shore in a dingy
But till that dream comes true why don’t you grab your bikini 'cause


However it goes (whatever happens),
We’ve got it made (in these shades)
'Cause baby we can float (behind this boat)
We can ride away

We got an inner tube
We got a trailer hitch
We’re near the river and far from rich
But we have got each other and gas in the tank
And it's a beautiful day.
We’re laughing all the way
To the river bank

Topai ir rinkimai:
2014 Muzikos pulsas - Muzikos pulsas | 2014 m. rugpjūčio 10 d. TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 1, aukščiausia vieta: 40
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Well, I won 2 dollars on a scratch-off ticket
So I went back to the counter and I bought 2 more with it
And I won 10 bucks and that was just right
So, I bought a six pack and a bag of ice

You know even if our ship came in and this is all we got
It ain’t like we really need a million dollar yacht, 'cause

We got an inner tube
We got a trailer hitch
We’re near the river and far from rich
But we have got each other and gas in the tank
We’re laughing all the way to the river bank

Still, can you imagine if we ever struck it
I’d go shoot tequila, take a lime and suck it
And we’d tell our bosses they can do the same
We’ll find a big cruise ship and buy the whole dang thing

We’d sail around the world and go to shore in a dingy
But till that dream comes true why don’t you grab your bikini 'cause


However it goes (whatever happens),
We’ve got it made (in these shades)
'Cause baby we can float (behind this boat)
We can ride away

We got an inner tube
We got a trailer hitch
We’re near the river and far from rich
But we have got each other and gas in the tank
And it's a beautiful day.
We’re laughing all the way
To the river bank

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