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Me And My Shadow

Robbie Williams

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2001 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

(feat. Jonathan Wilkes)

[Robbie: (american accent)] Johnny and Robbie
[Jonathon:] Youth why you talking like that were from Stoke!
[Robbie:] I dunno but I can't stop here pally

Like the wallpaper sticks to the wall
Like the seashore clings to the sea
Like you'll never get rid of your shadow
You'll never get rid of me

Let all the others fight and fuss
Whatever happens, we've got us.

(Me and my shadow)
Closer than pages that stick in a book
We're closer than ripples that play in a brook
(Strolling down the avenue)
Wherever you find him, you'll find me, just look
Closer than a miser or the bloodhounds to Liza

Me and my shadow
Closer than smog is to all of L.A.
Closer than Ricky to confessing he's gay??
Not a soul can bust this team in two
We stick together like glue

And when it's sleeping time
That's when we rise
We start to swing
Oh you think you're so jazz you
Our clocks don't chime
What a surprise
They ring-a-ding-a-ding-ding!
Happy New Year

(Me and my shadow)
And now to repeat what I said at the start
You'll need a large crowbar to break us apart
We're alone but far from blue

Before we get finished, we'll make the town roar
We'll hit a few late spots, and then a few more
We'll start out at Stringy's and maybe Groucho
Life is gonna be wow-wow-whee!
For my shadow and me!

[Jonathon:] Can we do that again
[Robbie:] No, I'm too tired
[Jonathon:] Please Rob
[Robbie:] No, I'm swung out
[Jonathon:] I'll give you some money
[Robbie:] I don't need money
[Jonathon:] What about a cup of tea
[Robbie:] I'm not thirsty
[Jonathon:] I won't tell anyone you're gay.
[Both Laugh]

Before we get finished, we'll make the town roar
We'll hit all the late spots, and then a few more
We'll start out at Stringy's and maybe Groucho
Life is gonna be wow-wow-whee!
For my shadow and me!

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

(feat. Jonathan Wilkes)

[Robbie: (american accent)] Johnny and Robbie
[Jonathon:] Youth why you talking like that were from Stoke!
[Robbie:] I dunno but I can't stop here pally

Like the wallpaper sticks to the wall
Like the seashore clings to the sea
Like you'll never get rid of your shadow
You'll never get rid of me

Let all the others fight and fuss
Whatever happens, we've got us.

(Me and my shadow)
Closer than pages that stick in a book
We're closer than ripples that play in a brook
(Strolling down the avenue)
Wherever you find him, you'll find me, just look
Closer than a miser or the bloodhounds to Liza

Me and my shadow
Closer than smog is to all of L.A.
Closer than Ricky to confessing he's gay??
Not a soul can bust this team in two
We stick together like glue

And when it's sleeping time
That's when we rise
We start to swing
Oh you think you're so jazz you
Our clocks don't chime
What a surprise
They ring-a-ding-a-ding-ding!
Happy New Year

(Me and my shadow)
And now to repeat what I said at the start
You'll need a large crowbar to break us apart
We're alone but far from blue

Before we get finished, we'll make the town roar
We'll hit a few late spots, and then a few more
We'll start out at Stringy's and maybe Groucho
Life is gonna be wow-wow-whee!
For my shadow and me!

[Jonathon:] Can we do that again
[Robbie:] No, I'm too tired
[Jonathon:] Please Rob
[Robbie:] No, I'm swung out
[Jonathon:] I'll give you some money
[Robbie:] I don't need money
[Jonathon:] What about a cup of tea
[Robbie:] I'm not thirsty
[Jonathon:] I won't tell anyone you're gay.
[Both Laugh]

Before we get finished, we'll make the town roar
We'll hit all the late spots, and then a few more
We'll start out at Stringy's and maybe Groucho
Life is gonna be wow-wow-whee!
For my shadow and me!

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Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2005 m. gruodžio 16 d. 20:35:26
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
man ipac patiko kaj se dajna su Johniuku atliko.. taip unreal buwo.. Robo seselis..

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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