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Rock & Roll Music

REO Speedwagon

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1979 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Just let me hear some of that
Rock and roll music,
Any old way you choose it;
It's got a back beat, you can't lose it,
Any old time you use it.
It's gotta be rock and roll music,
If you want to dance with me,
If you want to dance with me.

I've got no kick againt modern jazz,
Unless they try to play it too darn fast;
And change the beauty of the melody,
Until they sounded like a symphony,
That's why I go for that
Rock and roll music...

I took my loved one over cross the tracks
So she can hear my man await a sax,
I must admit the have a rockin' band,
Man they were going like a hurricane
That's why I go for that
Rock and roll music...

Way down south they gave a jubilee,
The jockey folks they had a jamboree,
They're drinkin' homebrew from a water cup,
The folks dancin' they all got shook up
And started playin' that
Rock and roll music...

Don't care to hear 'em play a tango,
I'm in the mood to dig a mambo;
It's way to early for a congo,
So keep a rockin' that piano
So I can hear some of that
Rock and roll music...

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Just let me hear some of that
Rock and roll music,
Any old way you choose it;
It's got a back beat, you can't lose it,
Any old time you use it.
It's gotta be rock and roll music,
If you want to dance with me,
If you want to dance with me.

I've got no kick againt modern jazz,
Unless they try to play it too darn fast;
And change the beauty of the melody,
Until they sounded like a symphony,
That's why I go for that
Rock and roll music...

I took my loved one over cross the tracks
So she can hear my man await a sax,
I must admit the have a rockin' band,
Man they were going like a hurricane
That's why I go for that
Rock and roll music...

Way down south they gave a jubilee,
The jockey folks they had a jamboree,
They're drinkin' homebrew from a water cup,
The folks dancin' they all got shook up
And started playin' that
Rock and roll music...

Don't care to hear 'em play a tango,
I'm in the mood to dig a mambo;
It's way to early for a congo,
So keep a rockin' that piano
So I can hear some of that
Rock and roll music...

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