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Roger Taylor

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1994 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

There's just one thing
That we all crave
From the cradle
To the grave
A state of grace
Or state of mind
A point in space
Or point in time
In time of peace
In times of war
The self same goal
That we yearn for
Some have it all
But still have less
What we all need is happiness
Happiness is what you need
Yeah happiness is all around
It's not easy to define it
No it can't easily be found
It can't easily be found
You know that it's true
Cos' happiness
Just can't be bought
Such purity more precious still than gold
And happiness
Can't just be taught
When you're young or if you're old
No matter how - how hard you try
In your own life, and through your years
With every up - must come a down
Enjoy the laughter and the tears
Of happiness

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

There's just one thing
That we all crave
From the cradle
To the grave
A state of grace
Or state of mind
A point in space
Or point in time
In time of peace
In times of war
The self same goal
That we yearn for
Some have it all
But still have less
What we all need is happiness
Happiness is what you need
Yeah happiness is all around
It's not easy to define it
No it can't easily be found
It can't easily be found
You know that it's true
Cos' happiness
Just can't be bought
Such purity more precious still than gold
And happiness
Can't just be taught
When you're young or if you're old
No matter how - how hard you try
In your own life, and through your years
With every up - must come a down
Enjoy the laughter and the tears
Of happiness

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