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Rotten Soil


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1993 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

[Verse 1]
Come down for a minute
Touch the grass on the other side
Meet the devil who is your host
Strike down what you believe in
Get it done with a fucking gun
When I'm in hell you can talk to my ghost

[Verse 2]
Reach out for what is nothing
The grass is red just for a while
Reason burns behind the wall
It will pass in a minute
Eggs will hatch inside your head
Your little feeble body soon will crawl
Can you feel it itch
Can you feel it so divine
When blood is pissing down your spine
There's no turning back
Your infected blood will boil
'Cause you walked on rotten soil

Welcome to the real world!

[Verse 3]
It's hard to take a stand but
It's harder to take a fall
Open the lid of your own casket!
"Wake up you little shit, you've got company."

Can you feel it itch
Can you feel it so divine
When blood is pissing down your spine
There's no turning back
Your infected blood will boil
'Cause you walked on rotten soil

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

[Verse 1]
Come down for a minute
Touch the grass on the other side
Meet the devil who is your host
Strike down what you believe in
Get it done with a fucking gun
When I'm in hell you can talk to my ghost

[Verse 2]
Reach out for what is nothing
The grass is red just for a while
Reason burns behind the wall
It will pass in a minute
Eggs will hatch inside your head
Your little feeble body soon will crawl
Can you feel it itch
Can you feel it so divine
When blood is pissing down your spine
There's no turning back
Your infected blood will boil
'Cause you walked on rotten soil

Welcome to the real world!

[Verse 3]
It's hard to take a stand but
It's harder to take a fall
Open the lid of your own casket!
"Wake up you little shit, you've got company."

Can you feel it itch
Can you feel it so divine
When blood is pissing down your spine
There's no turning back
Your infected blood will boil
'Cause you walked on rotten soil

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