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We'll Be Together


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 1988 m.

days in blue
an' nights in fever
fall in Chinatown
flames an' light
a silent fire
not a single sound

who used to cry for love
time an' time again
i used to cry for some love tonight

an' we'll be together
with a little luck a little luck
we'll be comin' out of the dark
say you will
say you'll come my way
an' this means forever
with a little luck a little luck
we'll be comin' out of the dark
say you will
say you'll come

night is cold
an' moon is flashin'
in a lonesome dance
i don't care
cause you're beside me
i can take my chance

it's like a wave
that touched my skin
an' i'll let you stay

we'll be together

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Esamas tekstas

days in blue
an' nights in fever
fall in Chinatown
flames an' light
a silent fire
not a single sound

who used to cry for love
time an' time again
i used to cry for some love tonight

an' we'll be together
with a little luck a little luck
we'll be comin' out of the dark
say you will
say you'll come my way
an' this means forever
with a little luck a little luck
we'll be comin' out of the dark
say you will
say you'll come

night is cold
an' moon is flashin'
in a lonesome dance
i don't care
cause you're beside me
i can take my chance

it's like a wave
that touched my skin
an' i'll let you stay

we'll be together

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