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Say My Name

Within Temptation

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2004 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Say my name
So I will know you're back
You're here again for a while
Oh, let us share
The memories that only we can share

Tell me about
The days before I was born,
How we were as children

You touch my hand
These colors come alive
In your heart and in your mind
I cross the borders of time
Leaving today behind to be with you again

We breath the air
Do you remember how you used to touch my hair?
You're not aware
Your hands keep still
You just don't know that I am here

It hurts too much
I pray now that soon you'll release
To where you belong

You touch my hand
These colors come alive
In your heart and in your mind
I cross the borders of time
Leaving today behind to be with you again

Please, say my name
Remember who I am
You will find me in the world of yesterday
You drift away again
To far from where I am
When you ask me who I am

Say my name
These colors come alive
In your heart and in your mind
I cross the borders of time
Leaving today behind to be with you again

Say my name

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Say my name
So I will know you're back
You're here again for a while
Oh, let us share
The memories that only we can share

Tell me about
The days before I was born,
How we were as children

You touch my hand
These colors come alive
In your heart and in your mind
I cross the borders of time
Leaving today behind to be with you again

We breath the air
Do you remember how you used to touch my hair?
You're not aware
Your hands keep still
You just don't know that I am here

It hurts too much
I pray now that soon you'll release
To where you belong

You touch my hand
These colors come alive
In your heart and in your mind
I cross the borders of time
Leaving today behind to be with you again

Please, say my name
Remember who I am
You will find me in the world of yesterday
You drift away again
To far from where I am
When you ask me who I am

Say my name
These colors come alive
In your heart and in your mind
I cross the borders of time
Leaving today behind to be with you again

Say my name

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2017 m. rugsėjo 23 d. 11:53:38 2019-06-15 11:13:40
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!



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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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