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A Static Lullaby

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2008 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

God damnit lord, where have you been?
You heard me praying for love then you came running
God damnit lord, I'm fading out again...
Start tuning in I need attention
God damnit lord, I got a taste for you blood
I've been fasting for weeks, half-assed communion
God damnit lord, god damn.
Somehow it's hard to believe that you put me through this to somehow better me

Don't curse the sky
With words like daggers
The clouds might collapse
Still feeling the weight of the gods
And no legs to move, no legs to move

In tune with my senses
I was blessed with the smell of defeat
I travel with a lonely soul
Trapped in a broken body

Scavenger, where does the vulture sleep?
And when you speak to him
Will you bring him to me, bring him to me
Scavenger, bring forth the jackals teeth
I am corpse; I'm nothing but meat

I don't mind the pope
I don't mind the priest
I don't mind the saints
Send someone to listen to me

I'll burn a cross
I'll kill a lamb
Worship false gods
Blaspheme until you lend a hand

Sun kissed, I'm cracking in pieces
Trust the whore to drink the water
Still a loving mirage to me
She left in search of purer springs
Still waiting on the touch of the one who cured leprosy

Scavenger, where does the vulture sleep?
And when you speak to him
Will you bring him to me, bring him to me
Scavenger, bring forth the jackals teeth
I am corpse; I'm nothing but meat

Someone answer me
I got the steel in my mouth we need a reason to be
Someone answer me
Was it me all along or did she do this to me?
Someone answer me
Is it the fear of loss or is love truly diseased
Someone answer me
If I get out of this does the cycle repeat?

Scavenger, where does the vulture sleep?
And when you speak to him
Will you bring him to me, bring him to me
Scavenger, bring forth the jackals teeth
I am corpse; I'm nothing but meat

I don't mind the church
I don't mind my sleep
I don't mind the gates
Just please warrant me peace

I can't burn a cross
I can't kill a lamb
Can't blaspemize after dead

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

God damnit lord, where have you been?
You heard me praying for love then you came running
God damnit lord, I'm fading out again...
Start tuning in I need attention
God damnit lord, I got a taste for you blood
I've been fasting for weeks, half-assed communion
God damnit lord, god damn.
Somehow it's hard to believe that you put me through this to somehow better me

Don't curse the sky
With words like daggers
The clouds might collapse
Still feeling the weight of the gods
And no legs to move, no legs to move

In tune with my senses
I was blessed with the smell of defeat
I travel with a lonely soul
Trapped in a broken body

Scavenger, where does the vulture sleep?
And when you speak to him
Will you bring him to me, bring him to me
Scavenger, bring forth the jackals teeth
I am corpse; I'm nothing but meat

I don't mind the pope
I don't mind the priest
I don't mind the saints
Send someone to listen to me

I'll burn a cross
I'll kill a lamb
Worship false gods
Blaspheme until you lend a hand

Sun kissed, I'm cracking in pieces
Trust the whore to drink the water
Still a loving mirage to me
She left in search of purer springs
Still waiting on the touch of the one who cured leprosy

Scavenger, where does the vulture sleep?
And when you speak to him
Will you bring him to me, bring him to me
Scavenger, bring forth the jackals teeth
I am corpse; I'm nothing but meat

Someone answer me
I got the steel in my mouth we need a reason to be
Someone answer me
Was it me all along or did she do this to me?
Someone answer me
Is it the fear of loss or is love truly diseased
Someone answer me
If I get out of this does the cycle repeat?

Scavenger, where does the vulture sleep?
And when you speak to him
Will you bring him to me, bring him to me
Scavenger, bring forth the jackals teeth
I am corpse; I'm nothing but meat

I don't mind the church
I don't mind my sleep
I don't mind the gates
Just please warrant me peace

I can't burn a cross
I can't kill a lamb
Can't blaspemize after dead

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