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A Moment In A Million Years


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1999 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

The lights are slowly fading down
There´s no one else, just you and me
Nothing ever changed
I see your faces in the crowd
It seems I know each one of you
For all my life
I wish this night could last forever
But it´s time to go
I saw you laugh, I saw you cry
All for one and one for all
Nothing ever changed
The way you sang just blew my mind
It gave me chills from head to toe
What a glorious night
To me it could have lasted forever
But it´s time to go
A moment in a million years
Is all I´ve got for you
A moment in a million years
To make some dreams come true
A moment that I won´t forget
Until the day I die
A moment in a million years
Called life
The bus is waiting right outside
To hit the road and once again
I leave you all behind
I chase another dream tonight
And by the time you´ll be home
I´ll be far away
Nothing seems to last forever
It´s time to go
A moment in a million years
Is all I´ve got for you
A moment in a million years
To make some dreams come true
A moment that I won´t forget
Until the day I die
A moment in a million years
Called life

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

The lights are slowly fading down
There´s no one else, just you and me
Nothing ever changed
I see your faces in the crowd
It seems I know each one of you
For all my life
I wish this night could last forever
But it´s time to go
I saw you laugh, I saw you cry
All for one and one for all
Nothing ever changed
The way you sang just blew my mind
It gave me chills from head to toe
What a glorious night
To me it could have lasted forever
But it´s time to go
A moment in a million years
Is all I´ve got for you
A moment in a million years
To make some dreams come true
A moment that I won´t forget
Until the day I die
A moment in a million years
Called life
The bus is waiting right outside
To hit the road and once again
I leave you all behind
I chase another dream tonight
And by the time you´ll be home
I´ll be far away
Nothing seems to last forever
It´s time to go
A moment in a million years
Is all I´ve got for you
A moment in a million years
To make some dreams come true
A moment that I won´t forget
Until the day I die
A moment in a million years
Called life

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2011 m. gegužės 5 d. 16:56:11
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labai graži pradžia... ir vokalo balsas... ak, gražu, gražu...

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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