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The Game Of Life


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2007 m.

The time has come
For me to talk to you
And I don't mean
To hurt your pride
But everybody needs a friend sometimes
To make you see the light

In the game of life
The strong survive
We're on a one-way street
We gotta make it out alive
And never let ‘em drag us down
In the game of life
We live and die
Another breath begins
Another chance to win the fight
From the moment that you hit the ground
In the game of life

You're born to hunt
And never run away
And then you're hunted
By the prey
The wounded deer
Leaps highest to the sun
Until his day is done

In the game of life
The strong survive
We're on a one-way street
We gotta make it out alive
And never let ‘em drag us down
In the game of life
We live and die
Another breath begins
Another chance to win the fight
From the moment that you hit the ground

Here comes the morning
It's time to play
The game of life
The game of life

In the game of life
The strong survive
We're on a one-way street
We gotta make it out alive
And never let ‘em drag us down
In the game of life
We live and die
Another breath begins
Another chance to win the fight
From the moment that you hit the ground
It's the game of life
The game of life

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

The time has come
For me to talk to you
And I don't mean
To hurt your pride
But everybody needs a friend sometimes
To make you see the light

In the game of life
The strong survive
We're on a one-way street
We gotta make it out alive
And never let ‘em drag us down
In the game of life
We live and die
Another breath begins
Another chance to win the fight
From the moment that you hit the ground
In the game of life

You're born to hunt
And never run away
And then you're hunted
By the prey
The wounded deer
Leaps highest to the sun
Until his day is done

In the game of life
The strong survive
We're on a one-way street
We gotta make it out alive
And never let ‘em drag us down
In the game of life
We live and die
Another breath begins
Another chance to win the fight
From the moment that you hit the ground

Here comes the morning
It's time to play
The game of life
The game of life

In the game of life
The strong survive
We're on a one-way street
We gotta make it out alive
And never let ‘em drag us down
In the game of life
We live and die
Another breath begins
Another chance to win the fight
From the moment that you hit the ground
It's the game of life
The game of life

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2011 m. rugpjūčio 16 d. 14:11:02
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Taško x)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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