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Shake Shake Mama

Bob Dylan

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2009 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I get the blues for you baby when I look up at the sun
I get the blues for you baby when I look up at the sun
Come back here, we can have some real fun

Well it's early in the evening and everything is still
Well it's early in the evening and everything is still
One more time, I'm walking up around the hill

Shake shake Mama like a ship going out to sea
Shake shake Mama like a ship going out to sea
You took all my money and you gave it to Richard Lee

Down by the river judge Simpson's walking around
Down by the river judge Simpson's walking around
Nothing shocks me more than that old clown

Some of you women, you really know your stuff
Some of you women, you really know your stuff
But your clothes are all torn and your language is a little too rough

Shake shake Mama, shake until the break of day
Shake shake Mama, shake until the break of day
I'm right here baby, I'm not that far away

I'm motherless, fatherless, almost friendless too
I'm motherless, fatherless, almost friendless too
It's Friday morning going to Franklin Avenue

Shake shake mama, raise your voice and bay
Shake shake mama, raise your voice and bay
If you're goin' on home, better go the shortest way

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I get the blues for you baby when I look up at the sun
I get the blues for you baby when I look up at the sun
Come back here, we can have some real fun

Well it's early in the evening and everything is still
Well it's early in the evening and everything is still
One more time, I'm walking up around the hill

Shake shake Mama like a ship going out to sea
Shake shake Mama like a ship going out to sea
You took all my money and you gave it to Richard Lee

Down by the river judge Simpson's walking around
Down by the river judge Simpson's walking around
Nothing shocks me more than that old clown

Some of you women, you really know your stuff
Some of you women, you really know your stuff
But your clothes are all torn and your language is a little too rough

Shake shake Mama, shake until the break of day
Shake shake Mama, shake until the break of day
I'm right here baby, I'm not that far away

I'm motherless, fatherless, almost friendless too
I'm motherless, fatherless, almost friendless too
It's Friday morning going to Franklin Avenue

Shake shake mama, raise your voice and bay
Shake shake mama, raise your voice and bay
If you're goin' on home, better go the shortest way

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2009 m. gegužės 10 d. 23:01:16
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Geras gabalas

Under The Iron Sea
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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