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John I love you

Sinead O'Connor

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 1994 m.

John I love you
I'm ever so fond of you
Will you wait for me
'Til I am heavenly
Oh there's much work to do
But I love you
Oh you're tender
Your name's a whisper
I let tears fall like rain
Apple-sized they were
All over her
And through all of those times
When you could have died
This is what you find
There's life outside your mother's garden
There's life beyond your wildest dreams
There hasn't been any explosion
We're not spinning like Dorothy
If you look now then you'll see why
Don't be afraid to cry
This time don't let yourself fly
Pick up those dancing shoes
Kick off those wedding blues
These are the ways
You can choose
Child you're tender
Your name's a whisper
There's life outside your mother's garden
There's life beyond your wildest dreams
There hasn't been any explosion
We're not spinning like Dorothy
And if you look now then you'll see why
Don't be afraid to cry
This time don't let yourself fly
Pick up those dancing shoes
Kick off those wedding blues
These are the ways
You can choose
Child I love you
I'm ever so fond of you

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

John I love you
I'm ever so fond of you
Will you wait for me
'Til I am heavenly
Oh there's much work to do
But I love you
Oh you're tender
Your name's a whisper
I let tears fall like rain
Apple-sized they were
All over her
And through all of those times
When you could have died
This is what you find
There's life outside your mother's garden
There's life beyond your wildest dreams
There hasn't been any explosion
We're not spinning like Dorothy
If you look now then you'll see why
Don't be afraid to cry
This time don't let yourself fly
Pick up those dancing shoes
Kick off those wedding blues
These are the ways
You can choose
Child you're tender
Your name's a whisper
There's life outside your mother's garden
There's life beyond your wildest dreams
There hasn't been any explosion
We're not spinning like Dorothy
And if you look now then you'll see why
Don't be afraid to cry
This time don't let yourself fly
Pick up those dancing shoes
Kick off those wedding blues
These are the ways
You can choose
Child I love you
I'm ever so fond of you

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