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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2012 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

The wall that I have built to keep you out is starting to rust
Because everything around me just reminds me of us.
I am an addict for dramatic, black hair and pale skin.
Yet I'm still collecting bones, but that's why closets are for skeletons

Undress your body, hold it over my head
Because you know that if you knock then
I'll always let you in
I've been numb for so long that I forgot how to feel
So I don't care if it will break my heart,
Just fuck me till we disappear

You said you'd never hurt me
Now this is all that we have left
You were supposed to save me
From myself

The wall that I have built to keep you out has crumbled to dust
And I hope that everything you see reminds you of us
I've been gone for so long that I forgot what is real
So I don't care if I will miss you, please just fuck me till we disappear

You never said you'd hurt me
Now this is all that we have left
You were supposed to save me
From myself

You said you'd never love me
But look how hard someone can fall
I was supposed to save you
From yourself

Now the sky is on fire and we lie wide awake
There is no other way than to make this mistake
We can't control who we hurt so we fuck the pain away
So put all of your pride, all your guilt into me
And suck the breath from my lungs and I'll swallow your hate
We can't control how we hurt so we fuck the pain away

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

The wall that I have built to keep you out is starting to rust
Because everything around me just reminds me of us.
I am an addict for dramatic, black hair and pale skin.
Yet I'm still collecting bones, but that's why closets are for skeletons

Undress your body, hold it over my head
Because you know that if you knock then
I'll always let you in
I've been numb for so long that I forgot how to feel
So I don't care if it will break my heart,
Just fuck me till we disappear

You said you'd never hurt me
Now this is all that we have left
You were supposed to save me
From myself

The wall that I have built to keep you out has crumbled to dust
And I hope that everything you see reminds you of us
I've been gone for so long that I forgot what is real
So I don't care if I will miss you, please just fuck me till we disappear

You never said you'd hurt me
Now this is all that we have left
You were supposed to save me
From myself

You said you'd never love me
But look how hard someone can fall
I was supposed to save you
From yourself

Now the sky is on fire and we lie wide awake
There is no other way than to make this mistake
We can't control who we hurt so we fuck the pain away
So put all of your pride, all your guilt into me
And suck the breath from my lungs and I'll swallow your hate
We can't control how we hurt so we fuck the pain away

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