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Sleep in Sanity


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1993 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

It is not I who sleeps
It is you who sleeps ... you sleep

Insane you sleep, I sleep in sanity

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

It is not I who sleeps
It is you who sleeps ... you sleep

Insane you sleep, I sleep in sanity

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2008 m. vasario 29 d. 21:42:58
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Undying odyssey..... a myriad of times
The soul has seen
Through eyes of heaven
The imperium of earth
Nothing left to perceive
Help me to escape from this existence
I yearn for an answer... can you help me ?
I¹m drowning in a sea of abused visions and shattered dreams
In somnolent illusion... I¹m paralysed
Infinity distraction......
A pious human disorder
Blind to passage of souls
Conclusion from one remembrance
Help me to escape.....
Transfixed... I gaze through my window at a world lying under a shroud of frost. In a
forlorn stupor I feel the burning of staring eyes, yet no-one is here. Detached from reality,
in the knowing of dreams, we know the entity of ensuing agony waits to clasp us in its cold
breast, in an empty room. We awake and it¹s true. I dreamt of the sun¹s demise, awoke
to a bleak morning. In the emptiness I beheld face for the dead light is a foretelling of
what will be..... I saw a soul drift from life, through death, and arrive at Elysian fields in
welcoming song. Yet I stand in a dusk-filled room despondently watching the passing of a
kindred spirit... and there is no song... just a delusion of silence.

I am the unmaker... I bring death to the beautiful dawn.
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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