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Don't Play Your Rock 'N' Roll To Me


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1975 m.

Don't play your Rock n' Roll to me,
That ain't the way it's meant to be.
I ain't so blind that I can't see,
Just let it lie and let it be,
So, don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll to me.

Well I know you think I'm crazy to keep hanging 'round,
But I was sort of hoping you'd change from the girl I found,
But your words just sound like Rock n' Roll lines to me,
And they're just about as burned out as a worn-out 45,
And you can't expect them to keep our love alive,

So don't play your Rock n' Roll to me,
That ain't the way it's meant to be.
I ain't so blind that I can't see,
Just let it lie and let it be,
So, don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll to me.

Well I guess you had me fooled for a while,
With your come on looks and your Mona Lisa smile,
But your Rock n' Roll is gettin' out of time for me,
Go sing your lines to someone else 'cos someone else maybe,
The fool you always thought you saw in me.

So don't play your Rock n' Roll to me,
That ain't the way it's meant to be.
I ain't so blind that I can't see,
Just let it lie and let it be,
So, don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll to me

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Don't play your Rock n' Roll to me,
That ain't the way it's meant to be.
I ain't so blind that I can't see,
Just let it lie and let it be,
So, don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll to me.

Well I know you think I'm crazy to keep hanging 'round,
But I was sort of hoping you'd change from the girl I found,
But your words just sound like Rock n' Roll lines to me,
And they're just about as burned out as a worn-out 45,
And you can't expect them to keep our love alive,

So don't play your Rock n' Roll to me,
That ain't the way it's meant to be.
I ain't so blind that I can't see,
Just let it lie and let it be,
So, don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll to me.

Well I guess you had me fooled for a while,
With your come on looks and your Mona Lisa smile,
But your Rock n' Roll is gettin' out of time for me,
Go sing your lines to someone else 'cos someone else maybe,
The fool you always thought you saw in me.

So don't play your Rock n' Roll to me,
That ain't the way it's meant to be.
I ain't so blind that I can't see,
Just let it lie and let it be,
So, don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll, no,
Don't play your Rock n' Roll to me

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Komentarai (4)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2014 m. rugsėjo 16 d. 12:05:40
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
2014 m. rugsėjo 16 d. 12:05:36
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2011 m. birželio 15 d. 11:14:25
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dešimt mažiau nė neįmanoma, taip pat ši - ir mano mėgstamiausia. Labai miela, gerai nuteikianti.

2010 m. lapkričio 24 d. 15:58:15
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Mano pati megstamiausia Smokie daina. 10 balu.

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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