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Something's Been Making Me Blue


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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1976 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Love has shaken me, sometimes mistaken me,
This time it's making me hide,
Love has told on me then got a hold on me,
Followed my heart to my pride.

But something's been making me blue,
And somehow I can't talk it over with you
Something's been making me sad,
Something I'm missing that I never had,
And I know what's making me blue,
Is losing you.

Love was a game you played, a mistake I made,
Never found it on time,
I thought love was alive again, then it died again,
Leavin' me wondering why.

But something's ben making me blue,
And somehow I can't talk it over with you
Something's been making me sad,
Something I'm missing that I never had,
And I know what's making me blue,
Is losing you.

What is this feeling that keeps you revealing your pride,
Why don't you listen, you can't reminisce on the times that she loved you and lied.

I know, but love was so real to me, how does it feel to be
Tellin' yourself it's a lie
But now love's got me wondering, got me fumbling,
Got me stumbling by.

But something's ben making me blue,
And somehow I can't talk it over with you
Something's been making me sad,
Something I'm missing that I never had,
And I know what's making me blue,
Is losing you.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Love has shaken me, sometimes mistaken me,
This time it's making me hide,
Love has told on me then got a hold on me,
Followed my heart to my pride.

But something's been making me blue,
And somehow I can't talk it over with you
Something's been making me sad,
Something I'm missing that I never had,
And I know what's making me blue,
Is losing you.

Love was a game you played, a mistake I made,
Never found it on time,
I thought love was alive again, then it died again,
Leavin' me wondering why.

But something's ben making me blue,
And somehow I can't talk it over with you
Something's been making me sad,
Something I'm missing that I never had,
And I know what's making me blue,
Is losing you.

What is this feeling that keeps you revealing your pride,
Why don't you listen, you can't reminisce on the times that she loved you and lied.

I know, but love was so real to me, how does it feel to be
Tellin' yourself it's a lie
But now love's got me wondering, got me fumbling,
Got me stumbling by.

But something's ben making me blue,
And somehow I can't talk it over with you
Something's been making me sad,
Something I'm missing that I never had,
And I know what's making me blue,
Is losing you.

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