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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2001 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

What you get and what you see
Things that don't come easily
Feeling happy in my vein
Icicles within my brain

Something blowing in my head
Winds of white, that soon will spread
Death would freeze my very soul
Makes me happy, makes me cold

My eyes are blind but I can see
The snowflakes glisten on the tree
The sun no longer sets me free, child
I feel this cold place freezing me

Let the winter sun shine on
Let me feel the frost of dawn
Fill my dreams with flakes of snow
Soon I'll feel the chilling glow

Don't you think I know what I'm doing
Don't tell me that it's doing me wrong
You're the one that's really a loser
This is where I feel I belong

Crystal world with winter flowers
Turns my day to frozen hours
Lying snowblind in the sun

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

What you get and what you see
Things that don't come easily
Feeling happy in my vein
Icicles within my brain

Something blowing in my head
Winds of white, that soon will spread
Death would freeze my very soul
Makes me happy, makes me cold

My eyes are blind but I can see
The snowflakes glisten on the tree
The sun no longer sets me free, child
I feel this cold place freezing me

Let the winter sun shine on
Let me feel the frost of dawn
Fill my dreams with flakes of snow
Soon I'll feel the chilling glow

Don't you think I know what I'm doing
Don't tell me that it's doing me wrong
You're the one that's really a loser
This is where I feel I belong

Crystal world with winter flowers
Turns my day to frozen hours
Lying snowblind in the sun

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