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Jesus Died In Las Vegas

Spiritual Front

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2006 m.

Do you think you'd love him all the same? Even if he'd lose everything faith too you gave your blood
and the rest of that ridiculous crown of all your rags for just one dollar you will ask men
to follow you and serve you to leave their lands and their fathers who will love you but cheaters and whores
maybe they will follow you the same but they will wait for a reward richer than your word.

Jesus died in las vegas and here the lights have the taste of his blood pain and regret.
Jesus died in Las Vegas and he died with the arrogance of who feels loved and betrayed.

Betrayed in a dim motel, you betrayed your friends and married a bitch for few dollars.
A cigar one day wedding three nails are enough to be part of history if one accepts it an one believes in it
someone will follow him and abandon flags and kings with sandals or a cadillac, you will have
his place but they will forget you and you don't know how easy is to substitute a god.

Jesus died in Las Vegas and here the lights have the taste of his blood pain and regret.
Jesus died in Las Vegas and he died with the arrogance of who feels loved and betrayed.

Nothing is more contagious than sin.

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Esamas tekstas

Do you think you'd love him all the same? Even if he'd lose everything faith too you gave your blood
and the rest of that ridiculous crown of all your rags for just one dollar you will ask men
to follow you and serve you to leave their lands and their fathers who will love you but cheaters and whores
maybe they will follow you the same but they will wait for a reward richer than your word.

Jesus died in las vegas and here the lights have the taste of his blood pain and regret.
Jesus died in Las Vegas and he died with the arrogance of who feels loved and betrayed.

Betrayed in a dim motel, you betrayed your friends and married a bitch for few dollars.
A cigar one day wedding three nails are enough to be part of history if one accepts it an one believes in it
someone will follow him and abandon flags and kings with sandals or a cadillac, you will have
his place but they will forget you and you don't know how easy is to substitute a god.

Jesus died in Las Vegas and here the lights have the taste of his blood pain and regret.
Jesus died in Las Vegas and he died with the arrogance of who feels loved and betrayed.

Nothing is more contagious than sin.

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