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We Could Fail Again

Spiritual Front

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2001 m.

May this be the last night in this south,
The last night with the wine and immortal fascination
The world ignore the cruel delight of our vice
And the useless common god who delivered us to wait

What’ s the meaning of talking ‘bout protection now?
We will never be close…oh so close together now
What’ s the meaning of talking ‘bout conviction now?
We will never be close…oh so close together now

Bow your head on my chest while the odour of this sea
Is confused in the distractions of our doubts
I don’ t know how to ask you anything that doesn’ t regard us
I don’ t know how to ask you anything

What remains of love when we know we can destroy ourselves
What remains of us when we know we can destroy ourselves
What remains of love when we know we can destroy ourselves
What remains of us when we know we can destroy ourselves

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Esamas tekstas

May this be the last night in this south,
The last night with the wine and immortal fascination
The world ignore the cruel delight of our vice
And the useless common god who delivered us to wait

What’ s the meaning of talking ‘bout protection now?
We will never be close…oh so close together now
What’ s the meaning of talking ‘bout conviction now?
We will never be close…oh so close together now

Bow your head on my chest while the odour of this sea
Is confused in the distractions of our doubts
I don’ t know how to ask you anything that doesn’ t regard us
I don’ t know how to ask you anything

What remains of love when we know we can destroy ourselves
What remains of us when we know we can destroy ourselves
What remains of love when we know we can destroy ourselves
What remains of us when we know we can destroy ourselves

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