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Stars Tonight

Lady Antebellum

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Kitų stilių muzika
Data: 2010 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Girls in their heels and a skinny pair of blue jeans
Boys in black pearl buttons lookin just like Springsteen
Momma says why you wanna play in a silly rock n' roll band
Well if you stood here Momma,
I know you'd understand yeah
It's the lights
It's the high
It's the roar of a crowd on a Friday night

And everybody's screamin out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's singing out yeah, yeah, yeah
Get on your feet if it feels good
If it feels right
We're all stars tonight
So sing it out yeah, yeah, yeah


Let's get a little rowdy
Gonna party all night long
And boys sway along with your girls
When we play a little slow song
Put your hands in the air
Shine a lighter or a cell phone
You better buy another round
We ain't goin home no
In the floor
In the stands
Tonight we're all in the band

And we're screamin out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's singing out yeah, yeah, yeah
Get on your feet if it feels good
If it feels right
We're all stars tonight
So sing it out yeah, yeah, yeah

And everybody's screamin out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's singing out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's screamin out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's singing out yeah, yeah, yeah
Get on your feet if it feels good, feels good
If it feels right, feels right
We're all stars tonight
So sing it out yeah, yeah, yeah


Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Girls in their heels and a skinny pair of blue jeans
Boys in black pearl buttons lookin just like Springsteen
Momma says why you wanna play in a silly rock n' roll band
Well if you stood here Momma,
I know you'd understand yeah
It's the lights
It's the high
It's the roar of a crowd on a Friday night

And everybody's screamin out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's singing out yeah, yeah, yeah
Get on your feet if it feels good
If it feels right
We're all stars tonight
So sing it out yeah, yeah, yeah


Let's get a little rowdy
Gonna party all night long
And boys sway along with your girls
When we play a little slow song
Put your hands in the air
Shine a lighter or a cell phone
You better buy another round
We ain't goin home no
In the floor
In the stands
Tonight we're all in the band

And we're screamin out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's singing out yeah, yeah, yeah
Get on your feet if it feels good
If it feels right
We're all stars tonight
So sing it out yeah, yeah, yeah

And everybody's screamin out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's singing out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's screamin out yeah, yeah, yeah
And everybody's singing out yeah, yeah, yeah
Get on your feet if it feels good, feels good
If it feels right, feels right
We're all stars tonight
So sing it out yeah, yeah, yeah


Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah

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