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Johnny and Mary

Status Quo

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1996 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Johnny's always running around trying to find certainty
He needs all the world to confirm that he ain't lonely
Mary counts the walls
Knows he tires easily

Johnny thinks the world would be right if it would buy truth for him
Mary says he changes his mind more than a woman
But she made her bed
Even when the chance was slim

Johnny says he's willing to learn when he decides he's a fool
Johnny says he'll live anywhere when he has time to
Mary combs her hair
Says he should be used to it

Mary always hedges her bets, she never knows what to think
She says he's still acting like he's being discovered
Scared that he'll be caught
Without a second thought

Johnny feels he's wasting his breath trying to talk sense to her
Mary says he's lacking a real sense of proportion
So she combs her hair
Knows he tires easily

Johnny's always running around trying to find certainty
He needs all the world to confirm that he ain't lonely
Mary counts the walls
Says he should be used to it

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Johnny's always running around trying to find certainty
He needs all the world to confirm that he ain't lonely
Mary counts the walls
Knows he tires easily

Johnny thinks the world would be right if it would buy truth for him
Mary says he changes his mind more than a woman
But she made her bed
Even when the chance was slim

Johnny says he's willing to learn when he decides he's a fool
Johnny says he'll live anywhere when he has time to
Mary combs her hair
Says he should be used to it

Mary always hedges her bets, she never knows what to think
She says he's still acting like he's being discovered
Scared that he'll be caught
Without a second thought

Johnny feels he's wasting his breath trying to talk sense to her
Mary says he's lacking a real sense of proportion
So she combs her hair
Knows he tires easily

Johnny's always running around trying to find certainty
He needs all the world to confirm that he ain't lonely
Mary counts the walls
Says he should be used to it

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