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Corycian Fire

Steve Hackett

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Rimtoji muzika
Data: 2015 m.

Consumed with deep desire
When the futy meets the fire
Death is challenged with
A burning light
In a forest of stone that springs to life
The flying flames pass
As torches light the path
Spirits of night
Their teeth are shining bright
Into the mountainside
Beneath the claw and hide
The ancient head
The cavern of the dead
In darkness of the tomb
Emerging from the womb
Shedding its skin
The serpent from within
From deep within the stone
Beneath the earth the bones
Spirit awakes
The oracle speaks again
Delphyne, Corycian
Theone, Python
Lampus, Thiades
Parnassus, Hades
Chimera, Gaia
Megara, Pythia
Theia, Omphalos
Eileithyia, Brimos

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Consumed with deep desire
When the futy meets the fire
Death is challenged with
A burning light
In a forest of stone that springs to life
The flying flames pass
As torches light the path
Spirits of night
Their teeth are shining bright
Into the mountainside
Beneath the claw and hide
The ancient head
The cavern of the dead
In darkness of the tomb
Emerging from the womb
Shedding its skin
The serpent from within
From deep within the stone
Beneath the earth the bones
Spirit awakes
The oracle speaks again
Delphyne, Corycian
Theone, Python
Lampus, Thiades
Parnassus, Hades
Chimera, Gaia
Megara, Pythia
Theia, Omphalos
Eileithyia, Brimos

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