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Mountaineers (feat. John Grant)

Susanne Sundfor

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Rimtoji muzika
Data: 2017 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

[John Grant:]
Jumbo jets spiralling down like vultures of the stars
Soaring above barren lands of boiling tar
The liquid rainbow spills an ocean of scars
Among the buzzing of a million cars

[Susanne Sundfør & John Grant:]
And looking up at a heaven of fireflies
I can not help but marvel at the beauty before my eyes
Neck deep in black water
Swimming in the soil of your wasted oil
What it is, what it means

[Susanne Sundfør:]
What it is, what it means
Now I know, we'll never be what you need, no
What we are, what we want, it will never change
We won't abide your laws anymore
What it is, what it means
Now I know, will never be what you need, no
What we are, what we want, it will never change
We will break through your walls, unstoppable
Wild wolves
Wild wolves
Wild wolves
Wild wolves

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

[John Grant:]
Jumbo jets spiralling down like vultures of the stars
Soaring above barren lands of boiling tar
The liquid rainbow spills an ocean of scars
Among the buzzing of a million cars

[Susanne Sundfør & John Grant:]
And looking up at a heaven of fireflies
I can not help but marvel at the beauty before my eyes
Neck deep in black water
Swimming in the soil of your wasted oil
What it is, what it means

[Susanne Sundfør:]
What it is, what it means
Now I know, we'll never be what you need, no
What we are, what we want, it will never change
We won't abide your laws anymore
What it is, what it means
Now I know, will never be what you need, no
What we are, what we want, it will never change
We will break through your walls, unstoppable
Wild wolves
Wild wolves
Wild wolves
Wild wolves

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