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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Rimtoji muzika

Klausyti nemokamai

Am I leading here?
Is it leading me?
Should I turn my head now or just count 1 2 3?
I am carried away in the whirlpool lay
Swept of my feet
Who is wining the game ?
If there is such a thing
What should be the next step?
Where are the judge and Jewry?
Who decides right and wrong
I'll be coming along
When you'll find him

Tango oh life's tango
Pace by pace
Tango oh..
Every hair on my body stands

Blessing or curse ?
Is it both? but of course!
There's no good with out bad
The happy and sad come together my friend
I'll be here 'till the end
'till the end

Tango oh life's tango
Pace by pace
Tango oh..
Every hair on my body stands

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Am I leading here?
Is it leading me?
Should I turn my head now or just count 1 2 3?
I am carried away in the whirlpool lay
Swept of my feet
Who is wining the game ?
If there is such a thing
What should be the next step?
Where are the judge and Jewry?
Who decides right and wrong
I'll be coming along
When you'll find him

Tango oh life's tango
Pace by pace
Tango oh..
Every hair on my body stands

Blessing or curse ?
Is it both? but of course!
There's no good with out bad
The happy and sad come together my friend
I'll be here 'till the end
'till the end

Tango oh life's tango
Pace by pace
Tango oh..
Every hair on my body stands

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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