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The Last Laugh

Mark Knopfler ir Van Morrison

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2000 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh My Friend
Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh At The End
Down In The Gutter With The Mad Old Soldiers
Down In The Scuppers With The Drunken Sailors
Down In The Gutter With The Mad Old Soldiers
But The Last Laugh, Baby Is Yours
And Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh Going Down

Games You Thought You'd Learned
You Neither Lost Nor Won
Dreams Have Crashed And Burned
But You're Still Going On
Out On The Highway With The Road Gang Working
Up On The Mountain With The Cold Wind Blowing
Out On The Highway With The Road Band Working
But The Last Laugh, Baby Is Yours
And Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh Going Down

They Had You Crying But You Came Up Smiling
They Had You Crawling And You Came Up Flying
They Had You Crying And You Came Up Smiling
And The Last Laugh, Baby Is Yours
And Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh Going Down
Yeh Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh Going Down

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh My Friend
Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh At The End
Down In The Gutter With The Mad Old Soldiers
Down In The Scuppers With The Drunken Sailors
Down In The Gutter With The Mad Old Soldiers
But The Last Laugh, Baby Is Yours
And Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh Going Down

Games You Thought You'd Learned
You Neither Lost Nor Won
Dreams Have Crashed And Burned
But You're Still Going On
Out On The Highway With The Road Gang Working
Up On The Mountain With The Cold Wind Blowing
Out On The Highway With The Road Band Working
But The Last Laugh, Baby Is Yours
And Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh Going Down

They Had You Crying But You Came Up Smiling
They Had You Crawling And You Came Up Flying
They Had You Crying And You Came Up Smiling
And The Last Laugh, Baby Is Yours
And Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh Going Down
Yeh Don't You Love The Sound
Of The Last Laugh Going Down

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