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My Mistakes Were Made for You

The Last Shadow Puppets

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2008 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

About as subtle as an earthquake, I know
My mistakes were made for you

And in the back room of a bad dream, she came
And whisked me away, enthused

And it's solid as a rock rolling down a hill
The fact is that it probably will hit something
On the hazardous terrain

And were just following the flock, round
And the inbetween, before we smash to smithereens
Like they were, and we scrambled from the grain
And its the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldnt help, but spit em out
Innocence and arrogance intwined
In the filthiest of minds

She's was bitten on her birthday, and now
A face in the crowd, shes not
And i suspect that now, forever the shape
She came to escape, its forgot
And it's alot to ask and not to sting1
Give her less than everything
Around your crooked conscious she will wind

Cos were just following the flock round
And the in-between
Before we smash to smithereens
Like they were, and we scramble from the grain
And it's the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldnt help, but spit em out
Around your crooked conscious she will wind
And it's alot to ask and not to sting
Giver her less than everything
Innocence and arrogance intwined

Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 1, aukščiausia vieta: 40
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

About as subtle as an earthquake, I know
My mistakes were made for you

And in the back room of a bad dream, she came
And whisked me away, enthused

And it's solid as a rock rolling down a hill
The fact is that it probably will hit something
On the hazardous terrain

And were just following the flock, round
And the inbetween, before we smash to smithereens
Like they were, and we scrambled from the grain
And its the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldnt help, but spit em out
Innocence and arrogance intwined
In the filthiest of minds

She's was bitten on her birthday, and now
A face in the crowd, shes not
And i suspect that now, forever the shape
She came to escape, its forgot
And it's alot to ask and not to sting1
Give her less than everything
Around your crooked conscious she will wind

Cos were just following the flock round
And the in-between
Before we smash to smithereens
Like they were, and we scramble from the grain
And it's the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldnt help, but spit em out
Around your crooked conscious she will wind
And it's alot to ask and not to sting
Giver her less than everything
Innocence and arrogance intwined

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (6)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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