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The Voice

The Moody Blues

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1981 m.

Justin Hayward
Won't you take me back to school?
I need to learn the golden rule
Won't you lay it on the line?
I need to hear it just one more time
Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, Can you feel it?
Oh, Won't you tell me again tonight

Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, Can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

'Cause out on the ocean of life my love
There's so many storms we must rise above
Can you hear the spirit calling?
As it's carried across the waves
You're already falling
It's calling you back to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one that it's calling is you

Make a promise, take a vow
And trust your feelings, it's easy now
Understand the voice within
And feel the change already beginning
Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

And how many words have I got to say?
And how many times will it be this way?
With your arms around the future
And your back up against the past
You're already falling
It's calling you on to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one that it's calling is you

Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely, lonely one
Won't you tell me again
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

Oh, can you feel it?

Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

 2010-10-27  Alvydas1 - The Moody Blues - Balsas (The Voice)

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Justin Hayward
Won't you take me back to school?
I need to learn the golden rule
Won't you lay it on the line?
I need to hear it just one more time
Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, Can you feel it?
Oh, Won't you tell me again tonight

Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, Can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

'Cause out on the ocean of life my love
There's so many storms we must rise above
Can you hear the spirit calling?
As it's carried across the waves
You're already falling
It's calling you back to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one that it's calling is you

Make a promise, take a vow
And trust your feelings, it's easy now
Understand the voice within
And feel the change already beginning
Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

And how many words have I got to say?
And how many times will it be this way?
With your arms around the future
And your back up against the past
You're already falling
It's calling you on to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one that it's calling is you

Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely, lonely one
Won't you tell me again
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

Oh, won't you tell me again
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

Oh, can you feel it?

Oh, won't you tell me again tonight

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2012 m. rugpjūčio 3 d. 17:47:28
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Siaubingos kokybės įrašas, matyt keltas iš pažeisto mp3 kompakto. Pamenu, tokie spragsėjimai ir pašaliniai garsai atsirasdavo po ilgalaikio naudojimo Walker grotuve

Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

Copyright 2001-2025 Visos teisės saugomos. Kopijuoti be autorių sutikimo draudžiama.

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