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The Solid Black Beyond


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2018 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I am climbing and searching for the words of truth
'Cause I don't know what to say
Where are you - the new tomorrow
Deep in the maze of yesterday?

My starless night may never come to fruit
I will not kneel or plead forgiveness
You turn away, gone from my heart
So - why God, should you pity me my lord
As I'm bound for darkness
You're not risen from your grave
The solid black beyond
To go where light cannot
Nazarene, that shall be my fate

I am your father and you are my beloved son
Why do you seek the other one?
The crucified one?
He's not you
Receive my power; I ask nothing in return

My lord - I will open up the gate
I'm the one and only now who can save us
I come in my father's name for peace

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I am climbing and searching for the words of truth
'Cause I don't know what to say
Where are you - the new tomorrow
Deep in the maze of yesterday?

My starless night may never come to fruit
I will not kneel or plead forgiveness
You turn away, gone from my heart
So - why God, should you pity me my lord
As I'm bound for darkness
You're not risen from your grave
The solid black beyond
To go where light cannot
Nazarene, that shall be my fate

I am your father and you are my beloved son
Why do you seek the other one?
The crucified one?
He's not you
Receive my power; I ask nothing in return

My lord - I will open up the gate
I'm the one and only now who can save us
I come in my father's name for peace

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