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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2004 m. balandžio 5 d.

Klausyti nemokamai

Are you filled with fear
By the thought of opening your soul?
Take a moment to realize what you're doing here
Do you feel the presence of an enduring peace
And an inner love
Let it be the one who's voice you hear

Joy and sorrows, all tomorrow's, harmony
Dreams and visions, our decisions, fill the void

The beginning and the end are both beyond
The thoughts you send
Everything that is was meant to be
You are the one made manifest till all creations
Laid to rest
We must live according to the plan

Don't refuse, you'll only lose, you'll lose it in the end
Give yourself, fullfilling purpose, grow with time

The beginning and the end are both beyond
The thoughts you send
Everything that is was meant to be
You are the one made manifest till all creations
Laid to rest
We must live according to the plan.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Are you filled with fear
By the thought of opening your soul?
Take a moment to realize what you're doing here
Do you feel the presence of an enduring peace
And an inner love
Let it be the one who's voice you hear

Joy and sorrows, all tomorrow's, harmony
Dreams and visions, our decisions, fill the void

The beginning and the end are both beyond
The thoughts you send
Everything that is was meant to be
You are the one made manifest till all creations
Laid to rest
We must live according to the plan

Don't refuse, you'll only lose, you'll lose it in the end
Give yourself, fullfilling purpose, grow with time

The beginning and the end are both beyond
The thoughts you send
Everything that is was meant to be
You are the one made manifest till all creations
Laid to rest
We must live according to the plan.

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